or gross, or odd... every time I look at the " Current Activity" section... there is always one or 2 guests... looking at the " Young girl, huge knockers" thread... I mean like that is old and way back. What is up with that?
Wonder if they are searching for fugly young girl huge knockers? I think you should have to sign up to read the forum. Make them go through the trouble.
So, which one of you is gonna start the "older lady, older boobs" thread. Cause that sounds like a good thread to me.
I guess that should be me ... I am the oldest chick one here nowa days (by one day) and I definitely have the old lady boobs
I decided today that we are not old. We might feel old, but we aren't old nor do we look old. We rule and I loved the Facebook incest comments last night. I knew sooner or later the non PC stuff had to come out. I started a list of people that I labeled, "don't share good/funny posts" with so I don't offend people but I don't have to be totally boring and I tested it and it works. I think it's cool that you can select what people see/don't see.
I deleted a few (belly dancer & some girl from HS) and got deleted and blocked by 2 people... the gross X and one of my sister's friends. hehe. I argued about Haiti with Chuck... and argued abortion with the girl... and they deleted me. Im going to start saying whatever I feel like... and watch my number of friend fall. I do have 2 friends ( I want to keep) and both have retarded sisters so I do try to stay away from saying "retard"
If I ever slip up or Homewrecker ever slips up on there you can delete our posts and we won't get mad or delete you.
haha I decided to delete the posts about golden showers ... that wasnt you was it... oh yeah that is that dork from high school.
I had to delete a friend from Facebook because of the shit he posting on my wall that was subsequently blasted out to every other friend that had posted there. I have to tread softly, too. I have so many people that have sought me (and whom I've accepted - ugh) that I keep FB pretty vanilla. I let my seedy side live here at Fugly amongst all you miscreants who are much harder to offend.
yeah Dewain mentioned shit covered cocks on my facebook last night ... fuck it ... people from high school I did not like 17 years ago add me, then I say something that pisses them off and they delete me.
Yeah, this is the only place I can really be myself. And I am so glad to see Maj and Lomo on here. I love Bigmama, but we don't need a whole forum to ourselves. We be the only hardcore Fuglies on here.
Glad to be seen. Thanks for keeping the Fugly fires burning in my absence. I've been running like my ass was on fire because, well, my ass was on fire. Anyway, I'm all healed up, thanks for caring.