you know.. i was always into the lord of the rings trilogy when i was a kid... call me a D&D loving nerd ifya want.. you'd be wrong.. but lamer flames like that evaporate from my back like water on a roast duck... but i have had the trilogy, and their prequel, the hobbit, since i was a small kid... admittedly i have only read the hobbit and fellowship of the ring... completing the trilogy seemed a bit hard going to me, especially since i was a bookslut and devoured literature at a phenomenal rate when i was younger... i always put off making a start on the 2nd two books of the trilogy until i had read the narnia series, or my latest acquisition of horror or science fiction... (clive barkers novels were a must read) i still have the books, but read a lot less... being a functioning member of society robs me of much of my personal time, and i only seem to tackle a novel when i am held captive by the circumstances... ie, on a train... and finishing the tolkein trilogy, admittedly, plays second fiddle to digesting the latest discworld novel by terry pratchett... a series i heartily recommend... the subtle levels of humour really appeal to me.. and there are jokes to suit humour of every intelligence level.. but anyway... the films out now... and has opened to critical acclaim... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>my opinion on the battle of the box-office (the much mooted box office battle between rings and harry potter fizzled away like a cheap firework on a rainy fireworks night(Nov5th).. as i knew it would... rings is a vast epic sweeping fantasy classic that will stand the scrutiny of time for generations to come... unlike potter which is yet another PR coup... a childrens book with gremlins style popularity... and the film is another hastily conceived, scripted, and shot book-to-film conversion.... made on the back of a tide of transatlantic popularity... and it'll have the same impact on cinema history as the last film version of a popular british book... bridget jones... rings on the other hand is a literary heavyweight, who's popularity has been steady for decades, and it's celluloid translation has been planned for years, and the actual filming took 5 years for the 3 films.. that's a year and 8 months per film.. compare that to the usual filming schedule of a modern movie of around 6-8 months...:eek <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> now i was surprised at the reception rings got in the reviews i have watched/read over here.... i assumed that with the book being crucial reading material of bespectacled anorak wearers worldwide, that a film of the epic trilogy would be slated by the mainstream reviewers.... but i got great pleasure from reading that one reviewer considered it to be
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey: no...just staring at a computer screen <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *Deja vue* I swear I've heard that somewhere before...
But I must say I have to agree about Lord of the rings. I talked an old girlfriend of mine into reading the Hobbit/Lord of the ringsonce, and it's the only time I've seen a book make someone cry! Can't wait for the film. And forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't going to the movies with ya chick a romantic, christmasy kinda thing to do?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey: First off, yes, I can tell good acting from bad acting based on a trailer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by roy: *<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WTF????? Please go on to explain,'Roy...who's first post is about 'me'.Then go and kill yourself before you do post 3.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by roy: oops sorry nvm<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i wanna hear who nvm is?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69: Looks like we may have live one<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> oh well... at least it's better than a dead and festering one... like the ones kuntana keeps dragging in to play with
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fucking Busy Pimp: oh well... at least it's better than a dead and festering one... like the ones kuntana keeps dragging in to play with<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> not dead ppl i only drag in dead animals not ppl