I know this should be in the med section, but I'm too lazy to put it there. The side of my face is twitching like a mother. It's weird. Sunday, the same side of my face was twitching but it was my eyebrow and it was really going to town. These are like violent jerks. Feels funny and is embarrassing. Anyone ever get that? It's like the eyelid twitches you get (fasciculations?) but worse and in weird places.
I get an eye tic once in a while. It feels like I must be winking at people but it apparently isn't noticable to others. It is annoying, though.
That happens to my right eyebrow on occasion. I think it looks hilarious on account of my abnormaly large brows.
Well I trim em so they don't get too bad. But if I ever stopped I'd look like the dad from American Pie.