I've got a theory

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I get this text today from my friend (male). Saying, "I had a crazy dream about you last night" And I am all like, "What did I do?" And he was like "No, what did WE do" So instantly I think this is weird and I'm like, "rob someone kill your ex wife?" And he goes on to tell me how we did it, but it was nothing explicit. He has a 23 yr old girlfriend and I am thinking that she is texting me to see if I get flirty or whatever with her boyfriend, so I turn the whole thing into a joke and then promptly change the subject.

    If I had a dream about him like that I wouldn't text him. Would you guys? Just seems a little fishy.
  2. Cousin Geri

    Cousin Geri New Member

    my friend Tom's girlfriend would send me messages on Facebook as him, I allways knew it was not him cause he is retarded and full of typos.... and we have NEVER been flirty .... so I would say things like " I got a new girlfriend, works at UPS" then say - please dont be mean to her like you did the last one" and he / she was is all " I wont I am sorry" hahah I have never had a girlfriend... and if I did he would be last person to meet her.
  3. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    I'm with you. I think I speak for the vast majority of the men here when I say if I had a dream about him I wouldn't text him either. :biggrin:
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I guy might tell a chick about a dream but more likely his girlfriend would text some chick to see if they are flirty with each other.
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well, the more we texted about normal stuff, the more I realized that it was actually him. Dunno why he would share that dream with me. Guess he just thought it was funny and I am paranoid.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I guess people just like to text you weird stuff ... lets see the last three text convo I started with you ...

    broke down at a graveyard - (was the fuel pump btw)
    arab locked the baby in the car- (we did get him out btw)
    and a pic of fat one legged lady

    oh the other day I went to send a pic of this chick... with BIG hair and fucked up makeup... I sent it to my friend Kevin instead- and he sent back " that is my sister" and was not joking. I did not believe him... and so struck up a convo with her... sure enough - was his sister. I have not talked ot text with him since cause I dont know what to say.... my text was just a pic of her and " I wonder who does her hair and makeup" I will send her pic tomorrow, phone is dead and lost my house charger...
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I LOVE your texts. I just wish I could text you pics. I wonder why you can't get mine?
  8. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I think he brought it up to see how the idea sounds to you without actually making a pass. It seems like a way to throw it out there to see how you feel about it and still be able to deny it if you were weirded/grossed out.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Or the thought was so outlandish that he thought nothing of telling me.
  10. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    I'm gonna tell your husband. He will have a field day with this.
  11. AC Slater

    AC Slater New Member

    I had a dream about you last night, I'll text you later.

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