Cheeze Aid 2010!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Cheezedawg, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Okay. Here's the deal. I'm nearly flat broke. Being out of work after my heart attack has nearly broken me. I'm hanging on by a thread with my house deadly close to foreclosure. So I came up with an idea.


    Kind of like Farm Aid and Live Aid.... but this would help me. And their wouldn't be any music. Or celebrities. Just a bunch of my previously unpublished works.

    I was thinking of including Video Clips of me back in High School doing stupid things with my buddies, some unpublished victims, A few road stories, a history of "Fucking With The System", some photos and maybe some goofy audio clips. Then I would set up a "donation box" with paypal and beg for money.

    Do you think people might be willing to donate $2.00 for all of this? Should I add anything else? Do you think this is a waste of my time?

    Let me know your thoughts and give me some feedback. Thanks!

  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Where are you going to do all of this?
  3. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    excellent idea. Will the videos be in High Definition? Where it's Cheeze Aid, maybe you could make a tier system like they do on PBS and give each level of donor-ship something special, with the benefactor level getting something like a small autographed package of fromunder cheeze. Just a thought..............

  4. Miss911

    Miss911 New Member

    i'd donate, is it paypal?
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I'd donate.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    My county along here in Texas gave hundreds of millions for people in need and so did counties all over America.

    You got to get in line though. And simply fill out an application.

    Cobo Hall, Detroit, $15 million of stimulus money being given out to help people deal with near homelessness or pay their utilities or mortgage. Sixty-five thousand people showed up, 3,500 people will get applications. There are scam artists outside Cobo Hall selling for 20 bucks fake applications, proving that there still is entrepreneurism in Detroit, which is a positive. Here's the sound bite, 'cause I just found a news story just now, "I want help," I have a suggestion for people who don't get Obama money in Detroit to pick up a little extra cash. But here's the sound bite, this is Obama's America, this is two citizens, model citizens, in Obama's America.

    ROGULSKI: Why are you here?

    WOMAN #1: To get some money.

    ROGULSKI: What kind of money?

    WOMAN #1: Obama money.

    ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?

    WOMAN #1: Obama.

    ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?

    WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us, to help us.

    WOMAN #2: And we love him.

    WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

    WOMEN: (chanting) Obama! Obama! Obama! (laughing)

    ROGULSKI: Did you get an application to fill out yet?

    WOMAN: I sure did. And I filled it out, and I am waiting to see what the results are going to be.

    ROGULSKI: Will you know today how much money you're getting?

    WOMAN: No, I won't, but I'm waiting for a phone call.

    ROGULSKI: Where's the money coming from?

    WOMAN: I believe it's coming from the City of Detroit or the state.

    ROGULSKI: Where did they get it from?

    WOMAN: Some funds that was forgiven (sic) by Obama.

    ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get the funds?

    WOMAN: Obama getting the funds from... Ummm, I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He's the president.

    ROGULSKI: In downtown Detroit, Ken Rogulski, WJR News.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  7. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I'm not much for handouts. I felt this was a way I could actually give something back for the donations.

    Some of this shit is really embarassing....
  8. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    Get your things together and let us know what the price is. $2 is too little to ask. I'm in. We have to take care of our own, no-one else will.
  9. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    bullgod is right. 2 bucks is pretty cheap. by opening up your life to all of the fucked up family and community here, id say you could definately ask for a bit more, especially with some good content.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You do your thang man I'll try to do what I can. I don't want to see you lose anything and the fact that you are enterprising enough to try something is commendable.

    I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.
  11. skeetastic

    skeetastic New Member

  12. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I'll be damned.... What up Skeeter!
  13. skeetastic

    skeetastic New Member

    same ole shit.... different day, different plot to dodge the man, my bro ---

    what's been happening around here these days? not to drag up the past, but are kitana, anxious siren, or any of the old folk still around here or anywhere else?
  14. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

    kitana sadly passed.
  15. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I'm not sure about the ins-and-outs of the whole system, but aren't there some places already established online that charge for downloads of audio? If U2 can get a buck for a song that could be recorded directly off HD-Radio, surely there's some entity out there that would host your material and allow us to pay for an exclusive download...

    Even if I hadn't met you in person, I can honestly say you're a funny guy, and I know your private stash of prank/joke material is bound to be worth a paltry fee to listen to.

    Besides, if a cheap mofo like myself is willing to paypal a few bucks for some fresh material from the legendary Chee-Dawg - you know the shit's golden.
  16. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Thanks brother! I am including the "Chee-Dawg" story as well. I've already written up quite a few, and gathered some old video clips from 1992.

    As for Kitana... how the fuck does Smokey know she passed? If he means passed college.... yeah she did do that. But pass away? I've never heard anything about that.

    And Skeet my brother.... the Siren crawled back into her hole after I called her out on her lies. She fucked with the wrong dude when she crossed me.
  17. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Alright. This is weird. I was writing a story for Cheeze-Aid. Basically, I was just telling the story of a playwrite I fucked with in the fourth grade. I had my mother dig the play out of the attic and copied it into Microsoft Word.

    I started to wonder what happened to the guy who taught the class. I found him on facebook and IMD. Ain't the internet just grand? Apparently, this guy went on to write sitcoms and plays all over the country. Kinda famous now actually. So I wrote him a message and found it was indeed him.

    He now works as a professor at a New York college. Strange shit.
  18. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You fucked a pedofile? What?

    Oh, fucked "with". I read it wrong.

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