Had a dream last night that I had to have surgery on my groin area. I don't know what for but it involved a skin graft from my knee. I told the doctor that I didn't want cut anymore than I was already getting cut and that I could deal with an ugly scar. I just didn't want my knee sliced up. They go to knock me out, but I don't really get knocked 'out'. I have an out-of-body experience and just walk away from my body in surgery and go home and take a nap. When I wake up, they are bandaging my knee in duct tape and my stomach/groin area was already taped up. Then they put me in sweat pants and send me home. My knee was wrapped huge and was jutting out of the sweatpants and I remember how dorky it looked, but I decided to go out to lunch with two friends from high school. Instead of all three of us going, I go to lunch twice with each of them. The one girl was a vegetarian in school, but she was driving a corvette that was made of leather. The entire damn car was made of leather and I was pissed so I didn't go anywhere with her and when I told my other friend about it, she said I was childish. Then I go to take her back to her apartment which I had no intention of going into because I knew it was going to be scummy and she's talking about how she has to keep cleaning her couch because her kids are leaving 'clean prints' (wtf) all of the furniture. Then all of the sudden I am outside of her apt with her and her scummy ass husband who looks like Patrick Swayze (the cancery version) covered in tattoos. He's dancing and showing me his tattoos and she's getting jealous, so I leave. Then somehow later I go back and am inside their gross apt and I bend over to get something and blood leaks out all over the floor (from my wound? period?) and he runs over and starts licking it up. -Actually it was my period. I remember it being a blob and thinking, "How did that get around my tampon?"
No and no. I haven't even taken an Ambien in a long time. These are drug- free 100% sober dreams. I had the tv sleep timer set to go off about an hour after I fall asleep and I was watching the Golden Girls, so I doubt it played any part.
thats what happens. no drugs = weird dreams, at least sometimes. there have been times here lately though that even with the amount of pot ive smoked i still have crazy ass dreams. last one i remember i think i murdered someone with a sledge hammer.
Last night I dreamt that I went blind and deaf one one side of my head and that my husband left me for another woman. God, I hope I don't go blind or deaf.
You do have very vivid accounts of your dreams, though. My thoughts are like cloud images when I wake. They morph and blur and fade away before I have time (or iclination) to record them. Do you keep a journal of these subconscious scenarios?
Yeah I hate that sometimes I have a dream and when I first wake up I am thinking "Wow what a weird dream, I'll have to tell Terri about that when she wakes up" But when the wife wakes I only have the most vague recollection of what I dreamed about. I have considered a dream journal on the nightstand causer I have some really odd ones and they have a trend I believe.
Heh... why do you think I post them here? I need a place to log them. I remember mine when I wake up but usually forget them as the day progresses, but sometimes something I do that day will trigger the dream. Like for instance, I was going to plug in the vacuum and when I went to the outlet, I remembered the dream I had the night before about trying to plug something in an outlet and sparks kept shooting out.
I dont really dream that much anymore. I think it must be a product of the medication they got me on. I have switched to taking it in the evening, instead of the morning, which has gotten me a little more awake today. So we will see if it holds up.