If you're gonna eat a hot dog... get one from Rudy's in Holland, OH. Or one from Yocco's in Allentown, PA. Those hot dogs rock.
I eat tofu pups sometimes. I just melt cheese and put ketchup on them. I used to eat them with salsa in my wild and crazy onion days.
Anyone who sticks anything remotely resembling a hotdog in their mouth is disgusting unless it is covered with the scent of a woman.
oh a dyke... a butch dyke. Watch out babe. BIGMAMA will all ova dat shit. http://forums.fugly.com/showthread.php?t=11504&highlight=butch I don't know if you will be butch enough for her
She sounds intriguing. I've got a broken ankle (hate crime) and am stuck inside until it heals so I'm sure we'll meet.
well if you are stuck inside , you will not meet her. you can always find her at Dunkin Donuts or an All you can eat buffet. I'm pretty sure she would offer you the "all you can eat" option
Yeah I like hot dogs but I think they just sort of sit there in your gut talking twice as long to digest probably due to all the processing and preservatives.