Am I evil?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I killed wasps today and I kinda tortured one before I killed it. Part of me enjoyed it and part of me felt/feels bad.

    Am I going to like turn into Dahmer or something?
  2. Cousin Geri

    Cousin Geri New Member

    I torture ants. destroy the home. Next day, feed them.
  3. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    You're both dicks.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    New barbie picture standing in a fire ant mound. Have not seen that one yet.
  5. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    What? Give your wife one of these:

  6. Jwiggly

    Jwiggly New Member

    Wasps are little POS, I hate them, they try and attack you, even if you just sit there and don't move, killed a few myself, have no prob doing that when they come up and bite my kids for no reason.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yeah, they are dicks. They were building something by my back door and you can't go outside without them drive bombing at you. So I sprayed Hot Shot (doesn't work) in their area and sprayed them with a hose. That was fun because they would try to fly towards me but couldn't get close so they flew away. Then one was stuck to the storm door so I raised up the glass and squirted it through the screen (didn't do much) knocked it off the door and when it would crawl into the doorway, I would slam the door on it and cuss it. Then I trapped it in there and took my shoe and hit it in the face a few times and cussed it and knocked it on it's back and then took the shoe and beat it.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You kicked that wasps ass.
  9. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    It's better to spray paint them white. Then they are too heavy to fly. Too covered in paint to eat. Slow death....

    WTF AM I THINKING?!? I sound like a psycho....
  10. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I keep that stuff that sprays 12'-15' out. It foams up and covers the nest. The little bastards drop out and kick a few times before expiring. I have to check for wasps and black widows in the yard frequently.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well, I have a shit ton of those lady bug things too. I hate them. They fly into you and they stink.

    Asian lady beetle

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  12. Jwiggly

    Jwiggly New Member

    What the...lady bugs stink? That's new news to me.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    These bugs will “reflex bleed” when agitated, releasing blood from their legs. The blood has a foul odor (similar to that of dead leaves) and can cause stains.
  14. Jwiggly

    Jwiggly New Member

    Are you sure they are lady bugs?

    Oh I didn't see the picture at first.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  15. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Like a thousand of those things showed up at my house today. what the fuck caused them to come out all the sudden?
  16. Cousin Geri

    Cousin Geri New Member

    I have had that beore... at this house, we have about million daddy long legs in the garage. I felt bad today because my cat pulled 2 legs off one.

    I remember hearing that you judge a winter by lady bugs. If they invade homes .. it will be a harsh winter. if it is going to be a mild winter, they habernate outside
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I notice when we get a cold snap and it warms up to the 60's, they come out. They like afternoon sun. I get them on the backside of my house and not the front. Of course, the dogs all go out back so there are like 500 flying around at my door and they get on the dogs and stuff. Yuck.
  18. Jwiggly

    Jwiggly New Member

    We get stupid stink bugs in the fall, I always remebered stink bugs all over school when school started, I killed a bunch of those stinky little shits this year. Y-U-C-K!!
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    There was a government experiment to that introduced them in middle Tennessee the idea was to combat an aphid problem with these aggressive new Asian type Lady bugs.

    They are not pretty like the American and have slowly taken over.

    That is the story that has been going around since I was a teenager and they were all over Waynesboro [sp] Tenn.
  20. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I don't know about the stink problem, but ladybugs are carnivorous, and in all of my experiences, a welcome sight. As Joe pointed out, they attack aphids, which are a parasite to a great many ornamental fruit-bearing plants. They also attach scale insects, the scourge of the cacti cultivator. Nasty little fucking things that not only suck the life from your plants and threaten their survival, but also cover the fleshy portions of the plants, and are usually only noticeable after they've done some damage and reproduced, and damned difficult to get rid of once established.

    Not to say it can't be done (been there) - it's just a pain in the ass to do.

    Picture me sitting on my patio when my cacti collection was at it's peak (maybe ten years or so ago) - next to a kiddie pool filled with soapy water, taking each afflicted thorny plant I had, and scrubbing them underwater before replanting them in sterile soil. :mad:

    Sometimes I miss my phentermine days. :biggrin:

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