after picking up my kid at 3pm, was driving home, listening to talk radio, feeling so scared for this kid in balloon. got home watched CNN .. thought to myself, that balloon is not floating like it should be... no one is in it... I didnt even think the balloon would carry a kid. then while it was still in the air, they showed a pic of the family. Said they were on Wife Swap...I saw that show, the dada was a dick... and they acted so fake... the mom made the other family do science projects- a floating craft... she acted like she was on her own science show... I called my sister and told her.. " I bet you anything that kid is not in the balloon and this is Bull shit... the family just wanted attention, for a science show" BAM Bigmama was right
The problem is that some idiot kids will see this and try it. Probably die in the process. I remember there was a show once where a guy did the same thing with a lawn chair and helium balloons. Had a pellet gun to 'shoot' them to come down. I wanted to see him drift into some high tension power lines, is that bad?
I hope that little shit gets a good ass whompin . either way he deserves it ... A.. for letting the balloon go and hidding B .. if it was planned... he needs a beat down for narkin
Reality TV is destroying the nation. When did people stop watching dramas and funny sitcoms in order to watch everyday people sit around their houses and be put through fake tests? I could really give a fuck less about any of these "Reality" stars. It's not even reality. I know that I've never had to build a boat in order to eat breakfast. I can't believe a parent would subject their children to being taped 24/7 and watched all over the country by millions of idiotic Americans. Thats gotta grate on them. And this Jon and Kate plus 8 bullshit? Everytime I see their names on a magazone or newspaper I just say out loud "Who gives a shit? I don't give a fuck about these two people! Or 10 people. Or ANY OF THEM FOR THAT FUCKING MATTER! GO THE FUCK AWAY ALREADY AND GIVE ME BACK MY TELEVISION!!!!
NO DOUBT! I have virtually stopped watching TV. I mean my wife watches it all the freakin time, so every once and a while I get intrigued by something and plop down on the couch. But I has to be really good for me to make it past two commercial sets. That is like what? 15 minutes? I have a really low tolerance for commercials there are some that are actually entertaining but they come in like groups of three or five. Screw commercials I mean WTF are we paying for TV access for? So movie stars can live in 10 million dollar mansions and fly their own jets and tell us what we are supposed to think?