dentist papers

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Oct 7, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    took the baby to the dentist... and since he has no dental insurance, we pay outta pocket for it... they wanted me to fill out a paper that said ... Bank account # .. bla bla bla and sign here to authorize us to deduct shit outta your account... I was like hell no.. you tell the price, I pay you the price.. the end. office bitch got snippy so I said, OK We will go somewhere else... she changed her attitude.

    I feel dental insurance is rip off... you pay 80-100 a month... and have 1000 limit per year, plus pay 30% per visit- up to the 1000... then pay all.. wtf?
    so we skip on the dental insurance.

    also today at that office I pissed off a mom because I told her ... her kid looked like the girl from poltergeist. She did... and she was freaky... rosey red cheeks. white ass cotton headed future slut. I wanted to kick her little tictac teeth out. She had light up shoes... and was the same size as my kid, but maybe a lot older.. or smarter.. cause she was talking like a damn 10 year old...I am so glad I have boys... I dont think I could love a little girl... tooo freaky ands squeaky
  2. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    Yeah, insurance like that is a ripoff, especially since there is a limit such as that. why spend on something like that when you can easily cover that on your own just by saving the money. There are a few instances where insurance does make sense, that definately isnt one of them.

    Jesus, that kid sounds pretty scary. I think the fact that her mom would buy her light up shoes was justification enough to say that. ( i just think stuff like that is rediculous)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I pay like 6.00 a month for dental insurance. 2 free visits a year for cleanings and checkup.

    You need to get hajibubu to look into a self-employed group policy. Then put you as an employee and then get Evan covered too.

    When I worked for myself thats what I did. They lump a ton of small businesses into one big plan to help cut down on costs. I know you and Evan could use it. Insurance sucks. What happened to the days when the doctor would come to your house, check the whole family and would be happy with a free dinner and a couple of apple pies?
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You watch too much Andy Griffith.

    I agree though, the arab should look into a policy for the business. Been saying that all along.

    I have MetLife Dental and I always end up paying somehow for something. The cleanings are free but the fillings I end up needing anymore always cost me and then I get another bill in the mail because they didn't pay even more.

    I hate this little girl on a toaster strudel commercial. Two little girls sitting around being annoying... the one that takes a bite of the strudel and says something stupid is the one that pisses me off. Something about her face annoys the ever loving shit out of me.

    Pop Tarts are better anyway. Toaster strudels always burn on the outside and are frozen in the middle and they flake all over the place. You can eat a pop tart from the box and the toaster is just a perk. You can't do that with a toatser strudel.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, I just remembered, when I was a kid, the dentist had a 'treasure chest' that you could get into and pick something out at the end of the visit. It was full of CANDY!!! Smart move. :)

    BIGMAMA New Member

    now it is full of bouncy balls , toothbrushes, floss, spongebob stickers ...
  7. Miss911

    Miss911 New Member

    mine was too. mostly puffy stickers with the googly eyes
  8. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I have health insurance that includes dental. I get $600 general dental, $1,200 major dental and $350 orthodontia per year and I pay $115 per month and that's just for dental. I also get $3,350 for everything from optical, gym memberships, alternate therapies and full hospital cover too. It sounds like some insurance companies are ripoffs over in the USA.
  9. Jwiggly

    Jwiggly New Member

    I have dental, costs around $80 per month, have a max of $1600 per person per year. My son had to get a tooth pulled cost me $15, got the insurance receipt last week, would have cost $200 if we didn't have dental. Nice part is I can claim the portions we pay on our taxes.

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