yesterday my 9 year old had a sheet of word math problems for homework.. and like always I look over his answers. Well one problem was like Hannah had 11 puppies and sold 7 puppies for 97$ ... how much did Hannah make? How much will make if she sells all the puppies? he had the right answers... and added ... Hannah needs to spay her dog - mad face. I just saw that his teacher wrote in his agenda today "keep opinions to yourself" I just googled her... she is a breeder of Labradoodles. she made my sheeeeeeiiiiooottttt List .... ( that is supposed to sound like the L7 song)
I meant to say ... "I added "- I am the one that wrote "needs to spay her dog" not my kid.. and it was obvious I wrote it... so she was telling ME to keep my opinions to myself. I am still mad. Oh and the Arab was hit by a drunk driver tonight on the way home... on a tiny back road ... we have to take due to the bridges being out STILL from the flood. No one really hurt, but arab has glass in his face... from the side mirror, he was driving with the window down... came close to his good eye.. he is blind in one. Clinic is still drivable, just gonna have to look bad for a while... its hard to find someone to fix those.. quickly.... guess get it fixed on next vacation.. Thanksgiving time.
I'd be fuming. She's a dog killer and a cunt. People need to quit buying these designer dogs. I got in an argument with a guy in our news channel's website over breeding. Fucking redneck wanted some hunting dog and said you couldn't find that kind at the pound. What a douche. Multi-mixed breeds are smarter and healthier. Like you couldn't take a beagle mix hunting.
Take a 'labradoodle' hunting. How could you seriously call a dog a labradoodle? That has to be the queerest name I have ever heard of a 'breed'. I grew up with a basset hound beagle mix, what would that be? beagle hound? basseagle? What if there was a german shepherd/doberman mix? Would you just call it? Germanman, doberman shepherd?
I wonder what I would call my dogs? A Sharpador? A Pitesian Ridgebull? Austrailian pitherd? Borger Spallie?
ok here is some of the mix breeds .. that breeders are selling pomchi yorkipoo chipoo boxmation pugale newfipoo chiweenie I mean there are sooo many I could go on and on all day
I'm glad your kid wrote that LOL I have an almost 9 yo and I would have totally wrote back "Bob Barker wants you to control the pet population, spay or neturE(SP) your pets"
I would have done the same thing. Damned what trouble she'd get me in. How much more do we need to tell people?
My dog Jade was a Collie/German Shepard mix. She was the love of my life. Now she is dead. I wonder what her breed would be called? I've love to have another before I die.