I just got a serious call... not a prank, lady said her 3 year old has long skinny worms in her poop. I told her to take her to the doc... she said it was 90$ to walk in the door, + the rx..and she did not have it due to paying rent.. Wanted to buy dewormer from us. I am like - maam we only treat pets, not kids... and we do not sell medication unless we see a PET needs it. I told her, the only thing I could think of is take the kid to the ER. I saved her number, and I am calling her tonight to see what she did, I feel bad for the kid.. and worried about her. poor little wormy kid
Does she own a TV? Pawn it. Unless she has really warped priorities. THE PRIORITIES OF THE MOOCHER CLASS Of course this is not the situation here this lady has gone without AC , does not have a cell phone , TV, game console, nice clothes, car, or fancy cell phone to pawn.
Don't you have a health dept for poor people? I mean a kid with worms can give another kid worms. Seems like something could be done for low to no cost. I thought poor people's kids got health cards. They do around here anyway.
Do you ever think as a hearse goes by, that you may be the next to die? They wrap you up in a big white sheet From your head down to your feet. They put you in a big black box, And cover you up with dirt and rocks. All goes well for about a week, Then your coffin begins to leak. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, The worms play pinochle on your snout. They eat your eyes, they eat your nose, They eat the jelly between your toes. A big green worm with rolling eyes, Crawls in your stomach and out your eyes. Your stomach turns a slimy green, And pus pours out like whipping cream. You spread it on a slice of bread, And that's what you eat when you are dead.