Getting wallet raped at the vet's

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Dog was peeing like an insane amount yesterday and acted constipated as well. Administered an enema for the constipation but started getting worried about the excessive peeing/thirst so I took her to the after hours vet. Always a huge mistake, but you gotta do what to gotta do.

    Told it was more than likely a UTI. I took pee and poop in there but they didn't test it. I was there for like 2 hours.

    Total was $230 bucks. 88 dollars for antibiotics that cost 4 dollars at Walmart.

    They took her back to do an xray to look for bladder stones, brought her back and said no stones (but they don't always show up on an xray) and that they allegedly gave her an antibotic injection and (w/o my consent... I could have gave her a pill) the injection was 22 bucks!

    I didn't look at the receipt until I got home... I knew it would be high, but had no idea that they charged me 60 + 22 (for the injection) of Cephalexin and I am pissed.

    They weren't even sure it was a UTI, charged me out the ass for "blind" antibiotics... antibiotics that might not even work because they don't know what kind (if any) infection it was.

    How do they get off doing that? My dad's dr wrote him an RX for his dog that he filled at CVS because it was cheaper. WTF? I feel like George Costanza... like I want to go in there and steal 78 bucks worth of shit.
  2. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    I've learned to walk into the vet bent over so they can just ram it on in.
    Last vet visit cost me around 150. Just to find out what I already had an idea of,(kennel cough) and antibiotics.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    the injection was long acting penicillin.. cost them about 2 cents... the antibiotics- probably 15 -20 cents ( unless it is baytril- then about 1.20)

    main thing the should have checked was if she has diabetes ... for the thirst and peeing... if anyone drinks a lot- they pee a lot. have you switched food? sometimes a food change can make them drink more... higher salt..

    if she has tiny stones that dont show up- they would not cause any problems... when they have big stones filling the bladder- that is when they have problems and those show up...

    sorry you had a shitty visit, wish I lived near you.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I was shrugged off. Since she's 4, he didn't think it was anything major. No new food. Been watching her today, she's peeing less, she has pooped but it looks too soft. She looks fine... bright eyed and bushy tailed. She played like hell yesterday before I took her to the vet. She played with her Kong today.

    She licks her beav and butt a lot. She licks her beav after she pees which I think means it prob burns.
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Christ. This is what I have to look forward to with the new pound puppy. They always have kennel cough and worms... even when they were "treated" there.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    yeah save her pills for him... or go to the feed store and get penicillin... and Robitussin DM
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I know he has it because he was coughing on the leash when I took him out. Every dog I have got from them had it. One had worms. I thought it was a piece of food on the bed, brushed it off and saw it again and was like, "How did dried spaghetti get crunched up on my bed... oh... ewww... worms!"

    BIGMAMA New Member


    how old is he? I hope it is KC and not advanced heart worms
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Shit.. way to rain on my parade. Seemed to cough when he pulled on the leash.

    He's getting a heartworm test upon adoption. Adoption is 135 + 25 for the test... this includes neutering.

    Fuck. I can't afford heartworms.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    that is good. I hope it is not HW... pulling on the leash and coughing could also be colapsed trachea ... need to have a harness instead
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    One of my dogs, he coughs everytime he is on a leash or gets excited... has been like that for years... no hw... been tested... on interceptor... i assume it's scar tissue... he had a shitty strain of it... was on antibiotics for months and months.
  12. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    I'll bet you saw that damn cocky dago doctor too, didn't ya? I told you that guy was a piece of shit. I brought my dog in there and he just stared at me.

  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yes. I can't stand that doctor. He's younger than me and thinks he's the shit. :rolleyes:
  14. Miss911

    Miss911 New Member

    I hear you. My cat cost me over 300 $ for a biopsy and blood work to tell me what I already know...He has a tumor. Then they wanted 600 dollars to remove it with no guarantee it would take it all out. I was unemployed and asked for a payment plan with $200 upfront and was refused. I know they are in the business to make money, but kitty is all I have. I hate people and animals are my only source of comfort. You should thank you're lucky stars you can afford it. We need Obama to do health care reform for pets, lol jk
  15. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You need to roadtrip to Ga, theres a mobile vet in Douglasville that can hook you up.
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'd be SOL if I needed 600 bucks right now. I'm broke. My problem is that I freak out over my dogs and take them when they probably don't need to go. I'm starting a savings fund for my dog's health care. Taking a little from every check and keeping it for times like these. But if anything major comes up, I'll probably sell my other car and hope that will cover it. Or kill myself. One or the other.
  17. AC Slater

    AC Slater New Member


    That's what I've been finding on the carpet!
  18. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    I told you that they weren't swiss cake rolls. You kept eating them and asking where the filling was. :mad:

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