Mattress Cleaning

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Sep 8, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    anyone ever had it done? I want to get mine done ASAP... I just wonder, seems like the water could turn into mold. I guess have them come in the morning and put the mattress by the window...

    It just turned 1 years old, and it looks like hell. and when I lay down I feel dust mites eating me.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I vacuum mine everyday. My theory is that if you do it everyday, nothing much will build up.

    Mine is 3 and I want a new one. I want to try out one of the tempur-pedic deals but I don't want a used one and I feel like people get them, fuck on them and sleep on them without bathing and then send them back and they just send them out again. Yuck.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    well mine is just nasty. It has had a few leaked diapers, and a few times the baby opened his bottle and poured it on the bed... and another time a cat chewed the nipple off of a Pediasure bottle and spilled like 5 oz of it. So it looks nasty.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh yeah, I would want to clean it too. My big thing is dog hair. It floats around constantly, all over the place.
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Just turn it over! :biggrin:
  6. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    Well bigmama, only thing i can think of if you dont try to do it yourself, is to check in on specialty cleaning services. there might be a company in your area that would be able to clean it and dry it, or at least make sure it wont mold up on ya

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