World dumbest criminal......

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by moremetal4mepls, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    My sons bike got stolen off of the front porch yearstday. He usually locks it up with his sisters bike, but was in a hurry and forgot. I went outside yearsday evening and noticed it was gone. As I started to walk into the house I noticed a wallet sitting on my front porch. Upon opening the wallet I found cash, bank cards, social security cards, & indian blood cards.
    The dumb beotch dropped her wallet as she was stealing my kids bike.
    Should I call the cops and report the worlds dumbest criminal? Or should I go to Walmart with the bank cards and have her unknowingly replace the bike.
    My luck she has already reported it missing and then I will be a dumb criminal too..Guess I will call the cops and report it. Maybe she will make the news in this small sorry ass town...I hate people...
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yea, I'm with you, it would be nice to spend it, but Im sure she is going to just say, 'someone stole my wallet'....or some bs like that.
  3. Dilaudid Daisy

    Dilaudid Daisy New Member

    you never know, that wallet could be stolen as well. SO yeah call the cops asap. They can go to the person's house and maybe recover your bike.
  4. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    Im thinking if the wallet was stolen someone would of lifted the cash before they tossed it upon my porch.
    I called the cops, as my luck runs I would get busted trying to use her bank card. Or there wouldnt of been any money on it.
    I feel bad for my boy, he loved his bike. It was a bad ass black Mongoose.
    Hopefully he will get it back, and she will make the news(or die). Either/or
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You did the right thing. Always seems like when you do something wrong (even when you are justified) that you get caught but the assholes and thieves always get away with it.
  6. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    Move to a better neighborhood.

    No. Bad things happen in the nicest of homes.

    Dreamhouses turn into nightmares. Que será, será!

  7. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I'd call the cops, but id definitely take the cash out of the wallet for your troubles.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Hmm let me think.

    You could call the cops and report the worlds dumbest criminal.


    You could use her card to have her unknowingly replace the bike.


    Then you could be wrongfully convicted when you get caught using her card. Like Daisey who will probably take the blame anyways.
  9. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    I seriously thought of taking the money out of her wallet, but it wasnt even enough to cover the tubes in my kids tires, plus when I called the cops they could of just said well maybe it was stolen and tossed. It just looked better this way.

    What amazes me is the whole time I lived in Houston(pratically in the ghetto) the only thing that was ever stolen from me was a pack of smokes.
    I have been in this town for about 8 years and have had my daughters bike stolen, my sons nikes stolen out of my truck, a car sterio, and now my sons bike. I would expect things like this to happen in a big city more than I would expect it to happen in small town america. Expect the unexpected I suppose.

    Anyhow, I got some news @work today. As I was putting one of my pt's on the machine I was telling him about what happened and told him the name of the heifer. Well turns out she is a niece of one of his friends and just so happens to live about 3 blocks away from me. I drove around her house and didnt see the bike(which is probably gone by now). But I now know who she is and one way or the other she will recieve her comeupance. If the cops dont get her, I will eventually.

    I'am not a violent person by no means,but I have mad revenge skills and will get mine, just have to come up with a plan. A couple people have learned this the hard way.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You had her driver license but needed to talk to someone else to know where she lived? :confused:
  11. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    No, she did not have a drivers license in the wallet. Only cash,bank cards,indian blood cards,social security cards and a couple of pictures.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Hook me up with some Peyote, and we can talk.
  13. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    I live in indian terrority, and have many friends whom are indian, but have yet to see Peyote, but if it ever comes my way I will hook you up(for a small price).
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Peyote is scarce even among the Indians if you want it you will have better luck about 60 miles SW of your local Lomo and along the Rio Basin from the Gulf NW to barely into Oklahoma territory on the far SW corner. They say a 4" button takes ~10 to 20 years to grow. Most of the fields have been destroyed turned into cattle pasture. Or are owned by wealthy people used as hunting leases we need to save the endangered species of peyote cacti.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2009
  15. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member


    Dont worry Joe, if I run into some I will share with you too.
  16. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    If you guys reall want to try mescaline, prepare yourselves, its a tough one to handle. i know for a fact you can go into your local nursery to the cacti section and find one that will make you trip even more than peyote will. its quite abundant, and fairly easy to prepare. just be ready for some puking and shit that will last for about a good day and a half
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  18. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    joe, right after someone just pointed out that its getting scarce, you shoew them what to look for. not that they could have done it themselves, but there is a lot easier way of finding a mescaline high. look for san pedro, not peyote. its easy to find, abundant , and yes, legal to posess in the US. its leagal because its often used for landscaping and houseplants. has what has been said as one of the most beautiful blooms of all plants. so save the trip to middle of nowhere and just goto your local nursery. lots of places stock them
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Supposedly with the Peyote the nausea about an hour into the trip is not so pronounced there are several other alkaloids in various cacti such at the Peruvian Torch or San Pedro you likely refer to. But those have much less Mescaline and more of the other less desirable alkaloids.

    Personally I would just like to have a live specimen for growing a collection sort of thing. I'm not into tripping really. That's my official position.
  20. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    youre right about the nausea, however, when you prepare san pedro for consumption, you can force it into making more of the desired alkloids. belive me, what i got from it was enough experience for a lifetime. i still have mine as a potted plant. neat little guy at that.

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