you know what really makes me mad? That someone that owes me money - like 1600-1800$ is planing a beach vacation. the funniest part is, 2 weeks ago this same person made big deal about how one of her friends owes another friend 800$ from like 6-8 months ago and posted new pics on facebook showing off a new expensive tattoo. She also made comments about that person is bragging about things like going concerts and very high dollar restaurants. Made her point very well about how you should pay people back first. And now this person is going on vacation, and also just bought a new jet ski. I am just pissed , and I am about to say something about it today.
no it's broke ass Blair. She likes to look like she has money, with her clothing, fancy big hair and car. Planned a girl trip with her dorky friends. I was invited, but I know the only reason they invited me was because I will make them look skinny and I know who will get stuck with the bill. So my retarded ass is staying home. I hate going out with that group, you have fun, then the sob stories starts. "Yeah my car is behind, Oh yeah my lights get cut off on Monday." its like a pity party. My theory is - you broke- you stay home, not order 4 apple drinks at 10$ a pop, pay your fucking light bill, suck a cock and get some guy to pay it, don't go out to party. Maybe Joe will come over and try to have lesbo sex with me again. I think I am ready to give in. edit - Joe from Facts of Life, not the political turd on fugly.
Yea, I always thought joe was big on the softball team. It's a shame too. Maybe you all could do that scissoring thing....
I got my hair cut a few days ago... by a well known dyke. My sister called me and I said "Kim is scissoring me" I guess I forgot how loud my voice is because 2 of her co stylist heard it and busted out laughing.
I need to get my hair cut. I'm trying to let it grow out. My hair grows fast, but it just falls out... just like my nails, they grow fast but they are weak and flimsy and I can peel them off when they get long enough... not the whole nail, just the long part... except my thumb nails.. they are pretty tough. Maybe that is normal? Anyway, scissoring looks like it would be annoying and I would tell the person that I really needed my money back. Make up some story about getting your lights shut off because you loaned someone all of your utility money.
couldn't tell that lie, she is family and know about how much money I have. well I just brought it up said "when are yall going to Florida and where are you staying?" she said. "Well we all talked about it and we want to go mid October. We figured you would pay for the room on a card, and we would pay you cash for our parts" I said, "um I am not going...I cant leave my cats on weekdays, who would take one to school, and who would keep the little cat during the day?" she says " oh well I guess we are not going to go then" I say "why not if everyone was going to pay their way, you mean to tell me 5 women in their late 30s dont have Visa bank debit cards" She said, "well to stay in nice place no one has the money to cover it all at one time" I say "OK well get the X amount of money from everyone, put it in one chicks account, and BOOM, pay for the room" she was silent, and now one the chicks is calling me, I am not answering... All these bitches carry fancy purses, and brag all the time... fuck um.. even if they asked me to go for free... I know in a restaurant they will bring up my Royalty Facts of Life Checks ... and how they dont get royalty checks... making me feel guilty.. fuck um - they should have been on better shows.,, then they would get checks... but no, they were on cool shows, that left the broke. Like I said, If you are broke, stay your ass at home.
That group yes, and I don't consider them as MY friends, those are my sister's friends, that I happen to see every once in a while. They all suck, and I only see them at my sister's functions. Love my sister, hate her friends.
Oh, shut up Pukey. Everyone knows you have the hots for Jami Gertz. You look like that dyke Gloria Steinem in your avatard. GET RID OF IT!