If anyone gets offended by that GET OVER IT. Anyway, am I a dick? I offer my old tv stand/tv to a friend who is getting an apartment. I jumped the gun because my spare room was cluttered and I started freaking out and wanted to get rid of it. Then I clean the room out and realize that I have no problem with it now and want to keep it. So now I am avoiding her until, I dunno, she forgets. So am I a dick? I started thinking that between her collecting disability (which miffs me), her child support, her job and her other job (paid in cash) that she makes more than me and she can just go fucking buy one. So am I a dick? I don't feel like one but feel like I should.
I have done that like with like 5 people the past year .. with baby clothes. I ended up giving them to a girl in a laundromat.. she will forget, if not... blame your husband, say he wants to keep it till he gets another one.
I dont think you are being a dick. If you were going to throw it out, sure let her have it, unless you just dont like her. If you dont want to give it to her because of the money she makes/rides the gubment for, then thats another valid reason. I like bigmamas idea, if you want to get rid of it just give to some chick at a laundromat.
I just decided that I didn't want to replace the tv when there was no real reason to. I want to spend money in that room making it a grandma-fied country annoying room with bears and country craft shit. I have secretly liked that crap for a while and wouldn't admit it or decorate my house in it, so I am going to have a secret (well, not now) gay craft digusting grandma country room so I can sit in it and feel old and depressed and club myself in the head with a large piece of wood with "live laugh love" engraved on it and wonder what the fuck happened to me. At least it's not wolf collectors plates and dreamcatchers. I hope someone kicks me in the throat if I ever decide to decorate a room in that. Fuck, I am bashing the native american shit today, aren't I? My great g-ma was Cherokee. Heh. Ooops.
Just tell her you're sorry but you decided to keep it and hope she understands. Friends usually won't hate you for something like that.
How can you be an indian giver... If you ain't given shit to begin with? Tell the broad that there was a time stipulation to the whole offer. She didn't come by soon enough, you assumed she didn't want it, and you found something else to do with it. Like leave it the fuck alone where it is. Honesty. The best policy!
She probably wouldn't be mad. I suppose avoiding her would be worse. I'm really bad about getting all pumped up about stuff and then flaking out and changing my mind. Like I was all about giving her stuff and now I am like, "Meh.. I want to keep it."
Are you serious? I did it on purpose because Jessica Simpson got so much shit for saying it. And I wasn't insulting Native Americans. It's just a saying. Don't be one of those people who get offended so easily.
I dont think Indian Giver was ever really deragatory towards our Native ancestors. They were the ones that were given stuff only to have it taken away later. It's not like they said, "Here cracker, you can farm this land" then when the crop came in they said, "Psych, thanks for the corn, now get on like you been shit on" It's the anglo portion of us that did it.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Now did I offend any poor people who only had sticks and stones to play with when they were little? I looked up indian giver and aside from being a 1910 Fruitgum Company song, it did have a meaning and I still don't really see it as being derogatory. Of course, I don't get too upset about words. You can call me a bitch, cunt, whore, whatever. It doesn't bother me. The only word that kinda grosses me out is "gash" when it's referred to a woman's junk. I always kinda thought that was nasty, but whatever. I've got nothing against Native Americans. I'd have crossbred with one back in my breeding days. I'm the product of crossbreeding Cherokee with European a couple of generations back anyway.
If it's not offensive go on the Reservation and start tossing that around. I dunno but my general policy is I won't use words or phrases that I wouldn't use everywhere (the world is a safer place that way). Of course that doesn't apply when I'm drunk, joking or mad, so that is pretty much all of the time.