I really really wanted a pizza. Ordered a veggie lovers with extra cheese. put it down, went to poop. came back to the living room... damn arab baby turned the box over, got the pizza upside down and was stomping/ river dancing on it... saying hot hot hot If I was at my house this would be no problem... hardwood floors... and 4 dogs that would have it clean in 30 seconds. But nooooo I am at the Arab's house... that has carpet and no dogs. this sucks. Guess my fat ass really didnt need to eat a pizza anyway.
At least she didnt beat the kid for stomping the pizza, of course that could have led to 'profiling' charges...
She ate it. That's what I was waiting to hear. If it had been on the hardwoods.... that part scared me for a second.
I did not eat it... however as I was cleaning it up- scooping up chunks of toppings, Arab baby was picking through the pile getting all the black olives.
I too believe that African Arabs are just spanish/nigger mixes. I bet BigMama has to use hair straighteners on its head. To me colors should not run. Any white girl who lays with a nigger, mexican, chink, and especially middle eastern Is TRASH. you don't see Blue Jays hooking up with Robins
Well until everyone blends together there will always be something to fight about. This country will go the way of France, England, and the rest of Eastern Europe eventually. Thanks to the pantie waste liberals. It's just a matter of time.
Joe's right... One big melting pot. Think: Hawaii, but on a continental scale, and minus the waves. And, for what it's worth, it wasn't until a few replies into the thread that I realized, I missed the part about the Arab's kid doing the dancing. For the first half of the thread, I thought it was her hubby that did it, which really had me thinking, "WTF?"
I bet the hubby would have done it if the pizza had sausage on it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I just realized why BIGMAMA is so cranky. Muslims don't eat pork.
yeah I think I just figured out who Geri is.... smart ass. yeah that was pretty damn funny and you can eat me .
unnt unnt auuh. Wrong again Miss Piggy. Please don't give a tard like Phatboy credit for someone as cool as Cousin Geri