It hasn't been so bad lately. I got a Birthday Hummer even! I also start my training as Mechanical Assembly Team Leader tonight.
I googled those and have no idea what they are. We make Electrical Submersible pumping equipment. My team leader position will get me an extra dollar an hour, which is nice now that i just got an extra 2 dollars an hour. I worked for QA, but then my department was absorbed by Manufactoring, they pay by the job skill, lucky for me I have 5 so I got a big ass raise. Right now I am training on my 6th and will get another dollar when I pass my audit.
Sweet deal I used to have a Q.E. job doing HALT and HASS testing. That was till they decided to have their production and test screening moved to Singapore. I saw the Tulsa job posting and thought I'd just see if I could make a lucky somewhat educated guess. Freak you out if I was right.