I was out of hand today at Walmart. I must be PMSing ok I had 14 items... the lines are all full of housewives buying stock for their families ... I had 13 items... and the 10 items line was empty... so yeah fuck it I went to that cashier. It looked like I had more then 13 items because it was all big stuff .. dog food, cat food and litter, diapers, new pillow for my stay at the arabs house, big thing of TP and 24 pack of cola. 3 storage boxes ... so my buggy was full looking. Fat ass nigger lover cashier threw attitude... big time... I told her in a friendly joking voice... it is all big stuff not to worry. she makes grunts and moans picking up the cola... then says to a fellow employee walking by.. " I just love it when people cant read" the other girls laughs. When it is all rang up.. I say "SO HOW MANY ITEMS DO I HAVE?" she said 13... so I told her to take the toothbrush, soap, and hairbrush off- (I was going to a drug store next anyway)... she looks at me all weird... I said " then it will be 10 items and you dont have to bitch all day about me" She says "oh you gonna be like dat" I then said " ya know maybe you would have a better life if you did have such a bad attitude" I looked at her name tag ....{KAYLA} I then realized ... damn - I need to take my own advice, I have been stuck in a shity attitude lately... I am gonna cheer up and try to be not such a Kunt.
that was cute. I dint understand people redoing videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJlPEHL85Ig&NR=1
You weren't out of line. That girl was being an asshole. So you are three items over. Who hasn't been? I would have been pissed off. I think you did the right thing. You proved your point. People shouldn't get away with treating others like that, especially when they are being paid (albeit by Walmart) to be nice. So fuck her in her Walmart smock wearing "popping off" mouth.
Your 110% correct. That "popping off" mouth has become quite commonplace. Sometimes, the busier it gets, the more lines they actually shut down, instead of opening up. I've seen the lines extend out into the merchandise area, and employees just turn away saying their on "lunch break."
She was a liberal one of those Obama supporters that hates everyone, wants more regulations with better enforcement.