What vehicles have you gotten 'busy' in?

Discussion in 'Cars' started by phatboy, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Not how many times, just what type of cars was it?

    My first was my 75 Plymouth Duster.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    A Sunbird, a Grand Am, a Festiva (heh), a Sunfire and some scary old Chevy white minivan (it was consensual) oh and another big van... like a Econoline or something. Naturally, the Pontiacs were all mine.

    I think that's it... maybe a 240SX but I can't remember, but more than likely that too.
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    A festiva? you hooked up with a fat chick??? :)

    87 Bronco II, 84 Mustang (crappy 6 cyl), 87 K5 Blazer, 89 Nissan PU, 95 Ram.

    I think that's it. Depending on the definition of getting busy is, if you include bill clinton style then there are a couple of more. ;)
  4. BigEddie

    BigEddie New Member

    Only once, it was in an 05' Charger. They are pretty spacious in the back, but its so embarrassing to do it in there when the car moves and crap, might as well do it in a motel or something, I dont like having to worry about rocking the car so much.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    77 Camaro, Plymouth Arrow truck, Hyundai Excel, 1980 Chevy truck.

    Do you know how hard it is to get it on in a Plymouth Arrow? It was winter in Houston and the windows were all fogged up. The sun was just coming up and the neighborhood constable comes knocking on the window with his flashlight. You could not see shit though from the outside with the windows all fogged up I'm sure it was obvious though.

    Come to think of it that cop let me off so many times. He pulled me over for speeding and throwing fireworks out of my windows. I opened the glove box to get my registration and out falls a bag of pot. He let that slide also. Name was Abear.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Im thinking its probably harder to get laid in a Hyundai.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Heh tru dat it's like a propalactic [sp] car.
  8. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    Technically it was never "in" a car. It was ontop of my Z-28.
    But the best time was draped over one sweet ass Harley...feeling the vvroooooom the whole time. Havent thought about that one in a long time, makes me kinda horny. Thanks to this thread and memories, my old man might get lucky tonight.;)

    BIGMAMA New Member

    VW bug- the old kind.
    VW bus
    Mini van
    (first boyfriend was a hippy)

    Gave a BJ in NSX thingy and an Isuzu Rodeo

    Hand jobs in 05 Honda Accord and an 05 Honda Element oh and a Blow job in an RV ( not ours we were shopping for one) ... Next day I took a dump in an RV at a dealership that pissed me off... we drove so far (near Chattanooga) to get there to find out they LIED about the stock they had... It brought joy to me knowing my massive turd was cooking in that hot nice and new RV :)

    I dont think this is "getting busy" but I did drive around a Mercedes while a little Asian man was dressed in drag jacking off in the back seat... it was not my car.

    Also I watched some people do da wildthang beside me, while we were in a limo... I was not participating but I was worried that he would pull out and get jizz on my outfit. .. but he never came, I guess it is hard to get your groove on with me cracking jokes next to you.
  10. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    homewrecker, you should be ashamed of yourself. Did you used to work in Tijuana?
  12. Homewrecker

    Homewrecker New Member

    I don't get it.
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The donkey and you.
  14. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That looked like a horse. I used to have a remote controlled one, but it had a cord (like that yellow vette) and you had to follow it everywhere. So much for remote controlled.
  15. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Aaaah, Mallrats. "A very uncomfortable place."

    Hey, you weren't supposed to tell anyone!

    I think that part belongs in the next paragraph right before the little Asian man...

  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Shit - great thread, Phatty - talk about a trip down mammary lane!

    Lost my virginity in the back seat of an '89 Ford Taurus.

    Next time was in a '94 Ford Ranger.

    '97 Ranger

    Mid-80's? Buick/Olds?

    Two different '93 Chevy Luminas

    '96 Pontiac Grand Am - (Those cars had nice seats, well, in the front, at least.)

    '92 Cadillac Sedan DeVille

    '99 Isuzu Rodeo - home of the infamous "Shoot it all over me!" - - "Not in this car." incident... :biggrin:

    '93 Subaru Impreza

    ...and just last night, I jerked off while driving down the Interstate in the '01 Mazda Protege. Not that that counts, but I thought it was interesting - I've never done that before. Just wanted to see if I could stay in my lane while multitasking. :biggrin:

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