A few weeks ago my friend tells me that her new neighbor has an "autistic" kid that is 18-19 years old... and that he is really fucked up. And the MOTHER of this boy told her that .. QUOTE " yeah I have to do everything for him, and he gets sexually frustrated and I have to toss him off" ok that is sick.. then while just on vacation .. a couple that was on the ground floor by the pool, started talking to me... they had an "autistic" son. I saw him earlier that day... he was really retarded, even had the tard head, arms, hands. And that mom went inside and left me talking to her husband... who then started asking me if I wanted to do a 3 some with him and his wife... I politely say no...and change the subject.. he was wearing a band Tshirt I never herd of and I say "oh I saw them in concert" I was praying it was not a dead band from the 70's ... thankfully he said "yeah we saw them last year- good show" .. anyway, wife comes back about 6-8 minutes later and said "he just needed his night treatment" while doing the jack off hand symbol... she then told me her sister used to do it for it her but she moved to Nevada. Now I am a little drunk and cant control my face or words and I am just stuck there... My sister walks out ..we were 3 floors up, and I yell, "OH I am on my way up" and I tell them I have to go.. Of course I had to tell the group when I got upstairs... and we had some good laughs. Nephews acting tarded saying "gimme a hand job" so in the past month I learned of TWO retards getting jacked off by their mom. I wonder if this is a common thing? That is fucking sick and gross. I think I would pay a whore 10$ to do the job. I know if any of my sons or nephews had a head injury and became tarded... I would NEVER EVER stroke their little peters... that is beyond sick. and why do people call them autistic now??? The one I saw was retarded, is Autistic the PC term or what?
What good moms they are! By jerking their sons off, they are promoting good prostate health in their little fucktard kids. As long as they're not gobbling tard goo then it is ok........
that is sick... I cant get the picture out of my head... what was it like the first time she did it...did she spit on it.. where did the cum fly... uggg I am making myself sick. Why not just get them neutered... it takes 5 minutes.
I suppose that's one way to deal with it. Seriously, I guess I have never given it much thought. I'm more afraid of retarded people now. Didn't think about them being horny, but I do remember this guy I used to work with talking about working with retarded children and how they would hump their beds and stuff. You would think that instinct would kick in and they would just know how to jack off.
I believe you cross quoted me, the "kill 'em all" was from the beggars thread. here it would be wank 'em all.
http://www.tard-blog.com/ You should read some of these. I was looking for the Tards eat corn story. they seem to have removed that one. It was particularly disgusting and talked about tards habit of shitting on themselves and playing with their poo and the teacher finding corn kernels from time to time. Anyway tossed off made my think of tossed salad and of course that led to the tard blog story. Go figure.
as a premier purveyor of insolence and sarcasm OK, I've been surfing the web for about 4 years now, and this is the sickest(not in a good way),most perverse thread I've seen. Who do I rep for this?
To each his own I guess to me the most disturbing thread ever was the nose critters thread. Give your points to BigMamma she is the master of disturbing.
I would say "I've seen it all already" but I'm afraid there may be shit out there worse and if it is any more disturbing then the shit I have already seen then I don't wanna. Pimp posted some cock and ball torture shit with rusty nails and electrocution its hard to beat that. And if I ever met the sick fucks doing it (voluntary or not) I would gladly offer to put a bullet in their heads to put them out of their misery.
Similar but not the Borg this is the DNC we are talking about Enemy of the State? By Pamela Meister According to the notorious recent government report, I am a "radical right wing extremist." If you didn't vote for Barack Obama, if you're unhappy with our tanking economy and the government's complicity in said tanking, or perhaps more odiously, you are a war veteran - you are, for all intents and purposes, an enemy of the state, subject to surveillance by law enforcement and security officials, who have been officially advised of the danger you represent. So let's see: I didn't vote for Obama. I am unhappy with the government's complicity in our economic decline and the power grab that is the ultimate goal of the Fed's fiddling. But, I am not a veteran. Well, two out of three ain't bad. If you went to a tea party, you might be an enemy of the state. If you have a bumper sticker on your car that is unflattering to Obama, you might be an enemy of the state. (I find it particularly interesting that the post-racial president is now stoking the fires of racism in order to discredit his critics.) If you are concerned about the government's attempt to radically curb your Second Amendment rights - whether or not you own a gun - you might be an enemy of the state. If you want to revive the true meaning of the Tenth Amendment, you too might be an enemy of the state. Do you see a trend here? Obama and his fellow travelers are what Mark Levin calls Statists, defined below in part from his current bestseller Liberty and Tyranny: For the Statist, liberty is not a blessing but the enemy. It is not possible to achieve Utopia if individuals are free to go their own way. The individual must be dehumanized and his nature delegitimized. Through persuasion, deception and coercion, the individual must be subordinated to the state. He must become reliant on and fearful of the state. His first duty must be to the state - not family, community, and faith, all of which have the potential of threatening the state. Once dispirited, the individual can be molded by the state. (p. 16) Speaking of Statists, remember the Borg from Star Trek? "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." Gene Roddenberry and his cohorts might have been on to something. "Giving away your freedom is easy. Taking it back is hard. One thing politicians are good at is humiliating people who dare to challenge them." - Christopher Chantrill Within the DHS report there is the admission that there is "no specific information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues." In other words, we've got nothing on you but we're watching your every move. Considering that Obama and some of his closest advisors come from the Chicago political machine, where seek and destroy missions are the way things are done, we really shouldn't be surprised at a report which has no hard evidence of anything, but seeks to discredit - even destroy - anyone who doesn't toe the Statist line. Such is the state of political life in America today. When President Bush was in the Oval Office, the left celebrated "disgruntled war veterans" who spoke out against the war in Iraq - in fact, so eager were they to find veterans with anything bad to say that could be connected to Bush and Iraq, they sometimes didn't bother vetting their sources and touted tales that ended up being bogus. But now that the Great American Healer is in power, the number of the wrong kind of disgruntled war veterans is suddenly on the rise. And of course, what is the best example they can come up with in this report? "After Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, some returning military veterans - including Timothy McVeigh - joined or associated with rightwing extremist groups." Let me see if I have this right: one crazy vet blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City with a little help from his friends and suddenly all war veterans are suspect? How insulting to our men and women in uniform can you get? During the Bush years, we were told that dissent was patriotic. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who famously screeched, "I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration"? But today, dissent has become, well, if not unpatriotic, unfair and downright mean, to quote Michelle Obama. We have to give Barack Obama a chance. A chance to do what? Good question. Our framers intended for the government to serve its citizens, not the other way around. As our government seeks more control over the markets and other segments of American society, average Americans are seeing the light and getting fed up with it. And if my not being afraid to say so makes me a "radical right wing extremist," then so be it. The only thing I ask is that my cell has a clean mattress.
I have seen that shit in person... I dont care for it.. I like weird porn, like special effects, the one with the ET headed chick, guy with 8 dingdongs, nothing painfull... just weird shit that makes you go WTF??? Now this is not the porn I "flick the bean" watching... just stuff that is funny
Yeah this was a few years back when Pimp and Nursey used to be regulars on here. I would attempt to describe it to you but there is no use its something you just have to see. And trust me you don't wanna see it.