I have always kinda refused to believe he was a pedophile. He was horribly talented and definitely weird, but I never bought into the pedophile thing. I think the parents of the children are the ones to blame. They saw $$$$$
I guess he'll be a martyr now. Specials will be thrust at us ad nauseam from every media outlet. Between MJ and Farrah, there will be little talk of swine flu for a while.
Because everyone knows, inviting kids to your house when you are a grown man to sleep with you can only end in in a happy way.... Why the fuck would anyone even do that?
I think in his mind he was like a 12 year old boy. I don't think he thought what he was doing was sick. He didn't exactly have the best childhood in the world and never really had a chance to be a kid. I think when he got older and richer, he got to live out the whole fantasy of being a kid. And no one go changing that last sentence and quote me incorrectly by adding "with" in there. I hate to accuse someone of something unless I am 100% certain and I never was with him. So... I will be sad thinking about the way he used to be when he was BIG and every kid in the 80's had his Thriller album... that folded out and he was wearing that white suit laying with a baby tiger or whatever. I will mourn the talented, original young man he used to be before everything took a downward spiral. :frown: I even had a Michael Jackson microphone.
I never had the album, but I was there in back in the day. He's all you'd hear on the mainstream radio. I tend to agree with you on the point that he was somehow thrust into a world of success at the ripe old age of what, five? What followed can most likely be attributed to this, but whom am I to speculate? Makes rudimentary sense that a child's brain would develop in such a manner (nature vs. nurture - strike one against the eugenics crowd, eh?) They say this shit always occurs in threes, and... well, as previously noted... On a different note, I wonder what Macaulay Culkin has to say about this day? All I know is that I was in the sporting goods store, surfing the web on my phone for some news about the Korean ship, and during the first search, I had the annoying *top story* "5 minutes ago... MJ rushed to the hospital..." - after that, I caught up with the current status of the ship, and had a chat with the gun bar gal (I would totally marry this girl - if there ever was a woman I thought I could spend the rest of my life with, it's her) - and sometime, in the interim, MJ pulls the ol' 86. Go fig. Farrah, Michael, and Ed. Death Trifecta - did anyone call it?
I guess I pissed of some people. I go and check my Facebook (yeah I know- shut up) and anyway... everyone has a post about MJ. Like some were just weird. I posted this "booohooo... everyone is SOOO sad that MJ died... yes it is sad for anyone to die, but guess what - every damn day there are kids dying, people starving, suffering, war... but we dont talk about any of those... yet everyone take time to publicly express sadness when a filthy rich famous guy dies at 50... waaaaaa " 4 people removed me off thier friend list... haha
MJ was a big deal back in the day, but after Thriller, he became a joke and it wasn't cool to like him anymore. I remember singing this: I pledge allegiance to the flag Michael Jackson is a fag Pepsi Cola burnt him up Now he's drinking 7-UP So... he was big, then everyone made him out to be a freak and a pervert and now that he's dead, he's big and loved again. I think he OD'd or had a combo of drugs in his system that lead to respiratory depression which caused cardiac arrest. I'd say that the cause of death won't be determined for several weeks after toxicology reports are in. My 2 cents.
I am going to say he had an immune problem, and had an infection of the heart ..Endocarditis or Pericarditis I got to do a necropsy at 7 am today... it was Pericarditis.. I know this sounds sick, but I love cutting up dead animals and finding out what went wrong. Last 3 were all the same , boring old Pyometra, very obvious.
You need to have Kitana around. She'd be right beside you, frothing at the mouth while you cut stuff up.
now dont say that... I am not a sicko, I just like solving the puzzle. Putting ease to some people, or blame them ... its either "you had no control, it's not your fault" or "yeah you could have done this, or that, you should have ____ ... this is all your fault"
I really can't believe that "everyone made him out to be a pervert". I mean he was accused of this repeatedly, it wasn't a one time thing. People with less money than him go to jail for that sort of conduct. I'm sure he had some mental issues from the way he grew up, but so does every other pedophile out there, this one just happened to be rich as hell. There are not many people I wish the death sentence on, but pedophiles are one of them. And this isn't me pushing buttons or trying to be a dick, it really is just my honest opinion on the subject.
I think they wanted his money. They settled out of court, which to me says from the father, "you can molest my child for a price"... if in fact he did do it. The father was bought off if he was guilty. The father was the bastard in my opinion. If my kid was molested, you couldn't pay me off. I would want you to go to prison and your life to be miserable. "Jackson was accused of child sexual abuse by a 13-year-old child named Jordan Chandler and his father Evan Chandler. The friendship between Jackson and Evan Chandler broke down. Sometime afterwards, Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, "If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever...Michael's career will be over". Then get this: In 2006, Jordan Chandler accused his father of abuse. The accuser, now 26, says his ex-dentist dad Evan Chandler “struck him on the head from behind with … (dumbbell) weight … sprayed his eyes with Mace or pepper spray, and tried to choke him†last year, according to court documents filed in New Jersey. So wtf ever. I'll address the others later.
I think the funniest part of his death are all the twitters. Does the world really care what Miley Cyrus or Will.I.Am has to say about it? Neither of them were even born when his last big album was released. Yet he is a musical inspiration to them?!? How come they never mentioned this before? The best celebrity twitter has to be from Ernest Thomas... the guy who played Roj on "What's Happenin!" Ernest Thomas had this to say when asked about his thoughts on the death of Micheal Jackson Please leave me alone. I'm busy looking through this dumpster for something to eat. There ya have it!
I found some more celebrity twitters! Al Gore - I invented the moonwalk. And the internet. George w. Bush - What a sad day for our country. Now we have one less soldier to fight our enemy in the war on terror. His sacrafice should be an inspiration to his fellow soldiers still fighting in Iraq. (hushed whispers) Oh! Uh huh.... not a soldier? damnit... Well... *cough cough*... he will be sadly missed. Joeslogic - He's with Jesus now. In heaven. With our creator. THE CREATOR IS GOD!!! Little boy found locked in his basement - Can I put my pants back on now?
I'm not saying the parents where not complete assholes either, but where there is smoke there is fire, he was a messed up individual, to what extent no one will ever know because his money covered up any chance of finding out for sure, but when you compile all the evidence/accusations, it is pretty damn compelling. I for one will not be any more saddened by his death than any other criminals death who has committed similar acts. I mean people die every day, good people that had much more to offer, that is what makes me sad, not the death of some rich musician who's past was checkered with sexual misconduct against children.
I'm too lazy to research the accusations. He's dead now. Water under the bridge. I wonder what will happen to the kids? I wonder who the real dad was? Geez... people thought that the father of Anna Nicole's baby was a big joke, can you imagine what random sperm donor fathered those kids? Ain't no way they are his bio children. They are as white as I am and that will be a strike against them if they wanted to be adopted by Madonna or someone of the like.