WHO THE FUCK USES THESE MEASURING METHODS????? I got them mixed up Says take 2 TSP... and I just took 2 TBLS... so instead of 10 mls...I took 30mls... Medicines should say ...TAKE ____ml/cc ___x a day... SPOONS should not be a way of measuring shit... stupid guess I better go to bed.
Tsps and tbsps are easy to remember. 3 tsp to a tbsp, 8 tbsps to a 1/2 cup. So in other words there is 768 tsp to a gallon. I love to bake so I know all that crap by heart.
Yeah, maaaan... Juuuust taaaake whaaatever nuuumbers are on the bottle and muuuultiply it until you ruuuun out. Works for meeeeee...
I would not know what to do with ml/cc. Tablespoon/teaspoon is good for someone like me, but I just swig from the bottle anyway. Don't you have some measuring spoons?
I thought of you when I was to use a tsp of vanilla extract today. I just poured some in without measuring. I eyeball everything. I hang stuff on the walls using my eyeballs to make it straight. I don't get out a laser or anything. I'm sure everything in my house is crooked as shit.
Why is that, do you have one leg shorter than the other? I usually eyball stuff as well, unless its a shelf, then I use my Torpedo Level.
No. Hell, I don't know. I'll have to measure. No, my eyeballs are off kilter. Not as bad as Shannen Dougherty, but they are lopsided.