on my way to work and I'm sad about it. I had no time to brake. It was just there so I tried my best to straddle it but I know it hit the undercarriage. I looked in the rearview and saw it tumble a little and then run across the road. I couldn't stop... no where to pull over and it went into the woods. I'm hoping he just got bopped in the head and was stunned and is okay and nothing was broken. I was going about 50. :frown:
I didnt know Pontiacs would go that fast.... No worries those are some of the toughest animals out there. If you didnt flatten him with your tire you just pissed him off and gave him an exhaust burn. Most cars are high enough that a squirrel will go right under.
maybe the wind from the car just hit him and made him tumble, and nothing hit him... I know how you feel... I ran over (my tired hit it) a damn armadillo a few months months back... I felt like shit.
lol, yeah, im sure you ran it over with a half ton car and it just got a slight bump on the ol noggin. Its safe to say its a raodkill pancake now. lol, just messin, but it probably wishes it was dead if its not dead. Similar thing happened to me when I was driving my dad to work last year around 5am in the fall near some orchards, when all of a sudden this wild turkey runs right in front of the car ( I was driving about 55mph) and I hit that fat fuck turkey and as I looked back in the rearview mirror, I saw nothing but feathers in the air. Shit made my dad and me laugh.
Geez. You're a dick. Way to make someone feel worse. I saw a stray cat get hit a few years ago. It was flung up under the car and tumbled around and it didn't run or get up. It was horrible to watch. I thought for sure it was dead. The guy didn't even stop. Blood was coming out of it's nose and I was freaking out. I took it to the vet and all it had was a broken nose and it was stoved up. After a few weeks, it was as good as new. Cats are tough. Their bodies are made weird. I would think squirrels would be like that too.
My wife would run the car into a stone wall or a tree to avoid hitting a squirrel. I don't let her drive while I'm in the car.:biggrin:
There was no avoiding it. He ran into the car. All I could do was be like, "Oh, no!' and try not to let the tires hit him.