Then allow me to be the first to say "Go Fuck Yourself!" Unless you are a hot chick..... in which case "Go Fuck Me!"... or gimme head. I'll take either really. Please....I'm desperate.
How bout Mark?,but then that might defeat the purpose of Sallanches being my forum moniker ? idk in any case,good to meet ya
How about we just call you 'dirty sallanches'? And go fuck yourself you fucking wetback IDK'er. (no really welcome)
Actually thats kinda close,ppl here say it like "Sal"-like salmon and "lownjh",and thats the hard part ,the o in lownjh is said kinda like the short o sound but its mixed with the long O sound,its hard to describe it,esp for me,English is my worst subject and my French is even worse,its only a two syllable pronunciation though