Piracy sucks

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fernando, May 9, 2009.

  1. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    i watched it the other night and it was fucking awesome,wanlked myself daft i did,cleaned the cinema outof bog roll i did.
    ill fuck off again now
  2. Grogan

    Grogan New Member

    I'm not convinced that piracy is what has caused business at theaters to be down. It's just so much easier for people to stay home and watch a DVD on a big wide LCD. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, smoke what they want etc. The price of renting or even outright buying a DVD is less than taking the family to the movies these days. Not only that, anyone with a dish can click a button to see a pay per view movie in high def, without getting off their arse at all.

    It's just that the old methods of selling content don't work as well anymore. It's "Our way or the highway" not theirs.

    To me, downloading a movie off the Internet is a waste of my time. Waste time looking for it, waste precious upstream bandwidth using shittorrent for prolonged periods of time etc. I'd buy a DVD before I did that. My time is more important to me than my money, and if I buy it I don't have to make a trip to bring it back

    For many years, I had shunned theaters because I couldn't do what I wanted while there and had to put up with crowds. Lately, I've started enjoying it again, seeing things like Star Trek on a big screen. If I go to the late show on a Monday night, I might be the only person in the theater. (There were two others when I went to see Star Trek but that's a popular movie)

    Here's what irks me. I'll be bombarded with previews on TV for something that looks good, and my theater won't be getting it. So I'm rather unsympathetic to the theater with three empty cinemas... they needn't complain about piracy and rentals ruining their way of life.

    I was seeing previews 10 times a night for a movie called "Drag Me To Hell" and I really wanted to see it. I was all set. I made no evening appointments that night, went to the theater's web site and... it's not there and it's not even in the lineup of coming attractions. I thought surely a movie that's been pimped on so many TV channels would be showing here, but oh no, we can't have something like that in this conservative town. It might offend people. Think of the children... and whatever rubbish excuses they can come up with. Just forget about 'R' rated movies too.

    The worse it does at the box office, the sooner it will be released in other forms.

    So the theater loses another customer who isn't content to just take what they give me. I don't go to the show just for the sake of it. Like I care about Walt Fucking Disney, Land of the Losers and the Terminator (held over for yet another week of empty seats) bores me because it's been done to death.

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