I saw a commerical for a show called, "Pitchmen" and it reminded me of that reality show idea you had. Not totally, but similar. http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/pitchmen/pitchmen.html Bigmama has got some new masturbation material because good old Billy is in it.
This is a photo of me and Billy Mays in Vegas a couple years ago. I was way fatter back then. I'm about 6'0 and 250 here. Billy Mays is a mountain of a man.
That's a trip Jeff somehow I never pictured you looking so ... I guess conservative you know haircut clean shave and all. Not that I figured you for a bum or anything like that.
Billy is a fine ass man. and Jeff, I always pictured you as a 5'6" 110 lb nerd... I had no idea you were so................... bangable
Might as well throw in Jake Ryan.. make it "Air Tight" Im just sayin, Billy is hot. And Jeff looks a lot better then what I expected
Yeah, you're looking kinda bearish these days. Did you ask Billy Maze how many of those goddamn denim shirts he owns?
It was at some electronic retailer convention in 2007. Nothing at all to do with this site, it's related to my job. I feel kind of silly about it now but I asked him for his autograph (for my girlfriend, I said) and he said, "How about a picture instead?' He seemed like a really nice guy. I'm glad I have that photo but I feel like kind of an ass for asking for his autograph. I must have come off as a real yutz.
Nerdy yes. Skinny and little - no. Dwaine and I met once in 2002. The rest of you have never seen me in person. Back then, Dwaine and I oil wrestled in a kiddie pool and I totally dominated. He'll deny it.
chicken shit is that Hon Fest a big deal there? have you ever been? my lil faggit is taking me, He is from there.
Oh, and I think the facial hair looks better. Most guys look better with it. My husband knows not to shave his off, even though he has gray hairs in it (he's only 36). I think once a guy has facial hair and they shave it off, they somehow remind me of Fred Flintstone in the mouth area.