Very Creepy and Sick

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Cheezedawg, May 13, 2009.

  1. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Ok. I got this Schizo friend. He's been a good friend of mine for about 17 years now. This weekend he calls me up and asks a very strange question.

    "Have you ever heard that...uhh.. thing...uh.. that guys give better blowjobs? I mean... they know a man's body right?"

    I could tell where it was going but was too freaked out to say anything. So he just comes out and says it.

    "I let some black dude suck my limp cock for 550 bucks. But it didn't get hard so I know I'm not gay."

    Right about then I started sweating shit nuggets. This is a guy I've known for 17 years... and as of now... the only "non-gay" guy I know that has had a man suck his weenie. He claims because he didn't like it and only did it for money that he is not gay and absolutely not a cocksucker. A couple days later he was bragging about being 550 dollars richer. Too make matters worse, he says the black dude shot a load while doing it. Gross.

    Now I'm not sure where I stand with this guy. I can't seem to get that image out of my head. Can I really continue to hang out with him? Cause when he talks about it I get the skeevies.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    hmmm.... part of me wants to this your way of admitting you got blown by a black dude... you know how some people will talk about embarrassing stuff by changing the word "I & me" to "MY FRIEND"

    hehe - just kiddin

    so what... even if he turned out to be a full blown flamer fag, does not mean he will be thinking about pokin you in your brown eye. Come on... it is 2009... I am sure you would be surprised at who is a closet fag. 90% of male prostitutes clients are "straight " men with a wife and kids.
    Read your local Craigslist personals ... tons of ads read like this [ married white male, looking to give head around 2pm at Home Depot ]

    Yeah it is gross, but he is a friend... I would not dis a FRIEND for this action... now if it was my dad, husband, or boyfriend.... I would throw up.

    But he is a buddy... you dont fuck him, so what do you care what touches his dick. I am surprised that he got 550$ there are tons of hot male whores that do allow a blow and go for 50$

    A question I would ask him is "where were you when he approached you?...How did you meet this guy?" because I dont think he was walking in a Christian Book Store and non shalantly approached by a well off black guy.
    He had to be in a queer zone.
  3. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    John, if you let a guy suck your dick just say it. You don't have to play the whole, "uhh.. this 'friend of mine' " stuff.

    It's ok, man. We're all friends here and we already know what a freak you are :)
  4. BigEddie

    BigEddie New Member

    damn, I could never live that down if I had a guy blow me, that shit would just gross me out. That sounds weird, to admit that you did that, but then still not be've got to be a little gay to agree to do that IMO, no matter what.
  5. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    STF up Eddie. It's only gay if Cheeze blew him. Don't you watch the Sopranos?
  6. BigEddie

    BigEddie New Member

    lol yeah right, sound smore like denial to me.
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

  8. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I ain't saying your friend is coming out of the closet, but I think he's peeking out the door.

    Sounds like he's trying to test the waters a bit with this "I did it all for the money" semi-gay test of will.

    He should do what I do: take the $550 and STFU. BTW, phatboy, you owe me $1650 past due.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    There is only one way to tell if your is gay.
    I dont believe your friend is his statement "I did not get hard" I think you should test him out...

    Slob his knob, see if he gets hard. If he get hard, BINGO - you are both fags.

    yeah no 100% straight man allows a black to suck him off and jerk his dick...

    not only is your friend a homo- but he is a nigga lovah

    but still does not change the fact he is your friend.... so dont disown him- plus dude, you have like non stop jokes- I say you just rag him to death and never let him live it down.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Shut up and keep sucking.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think if you (a male) let a guy put his mouth on your dick, you are a little gay. So what if you didn't get hard? It's gay behavior and if someone shot a load, that's pretty full-on gay, but whatever. So you have a gay friend. Big deal. I think there are a bunch of semi-gay people out there. Who cares? Unless the guy is a total asshole, I wouldn't let it change my friendship with him.

  12. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Yeah, but I don't think I'd go camping with him either.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Or ever take out your wallet, lest you see the gleam in his eye.
  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So cheeze, after he hooked you up, you are feeling a little awkward and guilty now????

  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Johnny Cheezedawg pays NO MAN to suck his dick! :eek:

    BIGMAMA New Member

    no one was talking about paying to receive a BJ.... they are talking about paying to GIVE a BJ

    thats what I dont understand... I can see a guy paying to have his peter puffed, just dont understand paying to puff a peter.

    In my young days I hung out in a few fag bars, and had a bunch fag friends. One was a part time hooker while going to GA Tech. He said most of the time he getting paid to receive BJs... and most of them were married straight men.

    Men are just weird and gross.

    Hell in my Domina days... a good 35% were men paying to suck on my feet and toes... while they jerked off. Another good 50%+ wanted to be forced to suck a strap on dildo while being called a whore...

    I had this one guy that was a regular, and was young and cute... I gave him a discount because he was funny and brought me gifts... and I did not need to dress up in the corsets and crap. He would come over about 2x a week, rub my feet and suck my toes... while I watched TV. Would do this for about 20-30 min, jack off, pay me 80$ .. the funny thing was he always came on his lunch break... and at the time I was into Day's of our Lives - soap opera.... and he got into the show - knew the characters, would ask what happened to ___ does ___ know it is his baby. I did not think it was funny then, but now it is.

    so yeah men are just strange odd creatures... they like putting their mouth on stuff.
  17. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    A real friend wouldn't charge you for a skull session.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Well cheeze has been looking for work.....

  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    There needs to be people out there that will pay you to do stupid shit like wash your car and mow your lawn. I need to find those people.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You want to be someones personal assistant, or you want one?

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