THE worst way you've ever been hurt.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Goatmunger, Sep 19, 2000.

  1. Goatmunger

    Goatmunger New Member

    Pretty self explanitory.
    What's the worst way you've ever been phisically hurt.
    and I'm mean PHISICAL, no emotional crap.
  2. Mormon

    Mormon New Member

    Well, start off by spelling physical correctly; you don't want to end up like Heather.

    PRINCESS New Member

    Broken collar bone, broken ankles, huge bruise on my arse, ect. Lots of small injuries. I doubt any of em would qualify as a worst way to be hurt physically.
    Broken collar bone was the worst pain wise of the three, i suppose.
  4. purevil

    purevil New Member

    I once glued a stairwell with broken glass, doused it with kerosine, ant then took my blind parapalegic neighbour for a wheel chair ride...

    ( Being Parapalegic, Arturo, the 53 year old from apt.303 could feel his amrs & legs but couldn't move them )

    so.. we went racing down the corridor "Wheeeeee!!!"

    I hit record as he hit the bump & went hurdling down the stairs..

    Funny thing- you would though all the jagged glass woulda *stopped* him.. but it didn't... the silly bastard .. now all lubed up with blood slid, rolled & bashed all the way to the 1st floor.. where he rolled out the door and laid on the sidewalk... badluck had struck when the burner from my spliff dropped and hit Arturo in the eye. ( you wouldn't beleive the weird sizzling sound it made - RELAX - he's blind anyway ) as he writed in agony, I fumbled for for a lighter to make ChairJockeyFlambe' Arturo managed to drag himself into the street using his tongue. Just as i found my zippo, a pigeon began clawing @ Arturo's now badly scaved & exposed balls.... and with a flick-o-tha- wrist my trusty-ol' zippo went into action setting Good-ol Arturo a-blaze including the dumb fucking pigeon that didn't know to keep clear of badly-mangled-lacerated-kerosine-soaked-bloody-paparpalegics... well theThe KoreanChicken (Pigeon) managed to flap away flaming... but was very pissed @ Arturo and shitted on his nose out of pure spite. Interestingly enough, the bird shit moistend Aturo's nose which kept it from burning ... allowing him to smell the rest of his own burning flesh...

    ~Here's the Tragic/Painful part~

    I had my camcorders Lens cap on the whole fucking time...


    hopefully you can find another parapalegic to make a fun filled video with..

    what happend to Arturo you ask??
    ( well if you didn't you're a fucking cold hearted bastard/bitch/shrapnel )

    Little did i notice, all this time that Arturo and i were having fun... that my stairwell caught on fire... so as the firefighters rushed to the scene, The fire truck ran over Arturo @ the front of my building.

    - I was here but now I'm not -
    - I left this place to smoke some pot -
    - I wrote this here to prove a point -
    - That Life's a BITCH without a JOINT -

    TURDCHOMPER New Member

    I caught my cock in my zipper.
  6. SeXaY_VeRoNiCa

    SeXaY_VeRoNiCa New Member

    holy fuck purevil where tha hell do u come up with this sick twisted shit? it was fucking funny but damn !
  7. SeXaY_VeRoNiCa

    SeXaY_VeRoNiCa New Member

    uhm i once fell off a 30 foot building onto a rock.. owwww!broke 6 ribs and cracked my spine dislocating my left leg and i broke both wrists wasnt that bad but it fucking hurt!
  8. BleedingAnus

    BleedingAnus New Member

    My name says it all.
  9. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    having 14 inches of my colon removed.... that really sucked
  10. amputee_annie

    amputee_annie New Member

    dislocated my shoulder moshing with the michelin man.
  11. ProjectEchelon

    ProjectEchelon New Member

    The worst way I was ever hurt was when I had a TESTICLE Torsion, yeah you heard me TESTICLE Torsion. I was 11. What is a TESTICLE Torsion you ask? Well a TESTICLE Torsion is when the vein to one of your TESTICLES twists and shuts of blood flow. Man it felt like I slammed the poor thing in a car door and couldn't get it open. I passed out for about 6 hours, then I went to the hospital where a urologist poked prodded and fondled my swollen TESTICLE only to say hey this is very normal. And he sent me home. I'm glad it hasn't happened that bad since. And I'm glad I didn't experience TESTICLE necrosis.

    Echelon/JackFucker/Swollen Nut Boy

    P.S. Thanks guys for putting my worry up.
  12. sully

    sully New Member

    hi...once i was at work and vanilla ice came on the radio playing a cover of his own song and my head exploded...
  13. imported_dirty_sanchez

    imported_dirty_sanchez New Member

    i caught chlemidia and herpies at the same time
  14. Anti-Thesis

    Anti-Thesis New Member

    What the fuck??? you save this post but close mine???
    The world is on its final days....
  15. 404

    404 New Member

    Once this girl was giving me head and she must have gagged and almost bit my cock off, that what pretty painful until I grabbed her top teeth and bottom teeth and snapped her fucking jaw in two, i bet that was pretty painful also

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