I gotta VENT and the procrastination of putting up a privacy fence is over. I live next to some of the skaniest motherfuckers you can think of. The house is small... like two bedroom and I think it was mama trash's grandfather's. So mama trash had two girls with her first hubby and then decided he wasn't skanky/inbred enough and got rid of him and got with daddy trash (who had his own kid and they have red hair... make me fucking barf) and then they had another kid together. So they have 4 kids and live in a 2 bedroom house that looks like a shit heap because they don't take care of it. Their garbage blows into my yard and they don't clean it up. Today the fucking evil trash boy had an electric weedeater and was trying to put it in my dog's faces through the chain link fence, but the cord wasn't long enough and he saw me and quit. I wanted to fucking kill him. The two girls were running around the yard, daddy trash was shooting his fucking shotgun on the other side of the house and mama trash wasn't home, so I am assuming that baby trash was in a crib or trashcan somewhere covered in it's own feces unattended. They have two dogs that they don't take care of which is bad enough. They keep them in a 6x6 kennel by their house. The humane society won't do shit because they actually got one of those water bowl thingys and they put a board over it so they technically have water/shelter. NOW... the dogs before that didn't. They kept them over a hillside. I had to go down and fed them and give them water everyday. It was terrible. The one dog was beautiful and I would have gladly taken him. Supposedly, they gave him to someone. Hopefully it got a better life. Then they had a few more that were there and disappeared. They had a cat that they didn't take care of that I took to the vet and fed/kept warm in the winter. He's probably dead now because I haven't seen him in a year. I don't know where I am going with this. I'm just pissed and I hate them. They have the grossest house on the street. It wasn't that bad when I bought my house. I thought it was kinda gross, but it wasn't like it is now. It's far, far worse. It's like Sanford and Son the night after a hurricane. I also think it's a fire hazard and as much as I would like to see the roaches ran out of their house, I fear that the fire would spread due to the trash in their yard and burn me up too. And goddamn if the truck has a speck of dirt on it. That's fucking redneck to the core when your house is a shitpile and your truck is clean as a whistle.
I feel your pain Pukey it sucks and they just bring down your property value. Sorry to hear you have such shitty neighbors. So hit em where it hurts paint a rainbow and pink polka dots on the guys truck. It's the only thing that will really get to them.
Why dont you do stuff to their house like in the middle of the night? Like throw paint at it, eggs, toilet paper whatever. I bet that would make me feel good if they were my neighbors. try to destroy or damage their most prized poseessions that are left out if they have any.
Just ride around and snag a bunch of real estate yard signs, then every other night or so put one out in their front yard. I would still call defacs. Isnt there laws about firing guns in a neighborhood (or other populated area)?
I saw a movie the other day called Idiocracy. The beginning shows how the earth became full of retards...because only retarded people were breeding. I have white trash people next to me... They moved in with the guys mom. they are always on the porch... even at like 2 am. They even got busted breaking in my house to use my phone for calls to Germany... for who knows how long, the Arab just thought is was me calling my X.... I think I told that story here. This is why I am looking for a house with no neighbors...even if all the neighbors are great and clean, then I would feel like the trashy one with all the dogs.
Yea, you probably need a few acres outside the city. There is too much stuff going on in life to be OCD about your house and yard. Keeping it nice is okay, but not everyday should look like a photo shoot for better homes and gardens.
I live outside city limits (still have limits on shooting distance from a dwelling) and have an acre. When the fence goes up, it's gonna be right against their garage because my house is a land hog and it's property line goes really far over. I was going to be nice and let them have some space, but now I think I will get the other neighbor (the decent one) who was a surveyer to double check where the lines are and smack it right up against their garage and maybe paint it lime green or orange. I would like to do fucked up shit to their stuff, but I am afraid of retaliation. Although I did stomp on their snowman lights one year because they were taking care of their dog. I don't want them to poison my dogs or something because I would end up in jail for murder, obviously. I got a little satifaction the other day when my husband mowed the lawn. After he was done, he was laughing and said, "Remember all that shit that got on your car when I mowed last time? Go look next door. Their windows were down too. I was going to tell them to roll up their windows but after I ran over two Wendy's french fry containers, I thought fuck them and made sure that I had the tractor blow in their direction."
what I hate about rednecks with kids... is when they have tons of those Lil Tykes plastic crap like furniture, sand boxes, playhouse, kitchens, etc.. oh lets not forget the broken swing sets One of my bro-in laws employees have a house with ALL of these items...also a few battery powered non working cars, you know that kids drive. It looks like hell. The wife even told me a few weeks ago "last Saturday I looked out the window and there were some old ladies in my yard, I asked if I could help them and they said HOW MUCH IS THIS" they thought it was a yard sale... Someone down the road was having a yard sale, and had signs up, but people kept think it was their house... kinda funny. They actually cleaned it up a little after that.
Nope. No such laws exist. There may be a bag limit on how many of your neighbor's kids you can shoot in a day, but other than that... Naaaah.
Hell yeah it was. They get out of their car and just throw trash out in the yard and it blows over into mine. I picked it up one day and threw in it a bag back over at them. Fucking diet coke cans, fast food wrappers. All kinds of trash. I'll take pictures when they aren't home, problem is one of them is always home.
I really wanted that kid to get electrocuted yesterday with that electric weed eater thing he was allowed to 'play' with. It was alll rainy and he was playing with extension cords. Part of my want was that he pissed me off trying to fuck with my dogs and part of it was morbid curiousity to see someone actually be electrocuted. He's gonna grow up and be white trash anyway, might as well cut it off at the pass.
We need White Trash. Someone has to pump our gas and wash dishes at the diner. We can't make niggers do it all. There just aren't enough.
I have not seen a full service gas station in years... do they have them anymore ? evidently not in GA.... hell I see pics of celebs pumping gas, so I dont think they exists
We've got a full service gas station here. Heck I was almost old enough to drive before my mom started making me pump the gas in the car. She would always go to the service station. I think the gas at the local one is like 50Cents a gallon more. They do the fluid checks and all that. I live near the 'old money' part of town so there are a lot of old white people that still use that place.
the last one I knew about was in the old town of Stone Mountain... and my grandfather and other old people hung out there. I dont think I have seen one in like ... hmm since I was like 16 ... so 15 years.
If your hero Thomas Edison can get credit for doing it with an elephant, convince someone else to be your apprentice and secretly take credit, while the other person takes the fall. Do I have to think of everything?