math help

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Apr 23, 2009.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    at the sand niggas house (a rental..still waiting for the divorce crap) anyway, it has a pond.. pretty big, and FULL of mosquitoes. I dont want to use the pesticide since many animals drink from it.... I dont want to to call a pound company to fix the pump. I figure I will just get some cheep feeder fish and throw them in... give them a second chance at life... and let them eat all the larva. I want to treat the water first. But I need to know about how many gallons are in it.

    It is about 3 feet deep (give or take a few inches depending on rain)
    10 foot long and 5 feet wide.

    ok math guys- and puky ... how many gallons is it?

    I wonder if all the birds will eat the fish, today I watched this blue jay couple tag team a crow... they were beating the crap out of him. I kinda felt sorry him and wanted to help, but then I realized, that crow was probably getting the smack down for eating a bluejay baby.
    His place has tons of rabbits... I have seen 12 at one time in the backyard... I have never seen one at my house...I guess the coyotes eat them here. Anyway one day I pulled up and was watching this small rabbit hop around all cute... It was not a full grown one, I guess a pre teen. I just sat there all happy watching and a fucking hawk swooped down and got him. bastard ruined my day.

    I have a feeling I am going to buy a shitload of fish, and the next day the pond will be full of dead floating fish...and the larva will eat off the dead fish and become a stronger type of mosquito. Oh well, it is not my house... I live 10 miles away :)

    damn got off topic...
    How many gallons is it?
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    hold on WTF that's not right.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    how in the hell did you get that so fast... or are you just guessing?

    BIGMAMA New Member

    waite it has to be way more then that... I just pictured 3 , 50 gal tanks side by side, and this is way bigger
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    We are getting our pool re-plastered and tiled finally after three years. It's 16800 gallons odd shaped thank god I had the original paperwork. I would have never figured it out. They start Monday.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    damn that a lot of water to treat. I wonder what chemicals cost these days. I had a small 200 gal pond years ago... this is one is huge, and I am really jealous of it. But damn to day I got 6 bites going to and from my car... My kid took a tiny dixie cup out there and filled it half way with pond water (about 40 cc) ... and there were about 10 squirmy larva in it... eww I will start treating it tomorrow and hopefully save some some poor ugly fish by Sunday. My kid is so excited... he always felt bad for the feeder fish

    The arab said get some big pretty koi... um hell no, I dont want to spend money on big fish that the hawks might eat... plus it has no pump to filter.. I wonder if I should get some of those bottom feeders to help keep it clean.

    BIGMAMA New Member

  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    When I was just a kid back in the 70s I remember my great grand parents on my dad's mother's side. They had an old bathtub sunk into the ground with goldfish in it. Big ass gold fish ... maybe koi I dunno, and lily plants or something of the sort. Point is that was in Florence Al about the same weather as you and I'm sure back then they did not have much for a filtration system. Those were some spooky old people. Called me "little Dave" never did get my name right and both of em seemed to always have a snuff can and a spittoon within spitting range. The whole house smelled like Copenhagen snuff.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I suck in Math. And I hate mosquitoes. I like the feeder fish idea. I hate seeing them, as well as the feeder mice being sold to be eaten my gross shit like snakes. I try to love every creature (except people) but something about snakes, ticks and mosquitoes...
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Throw some sodium bisulfate in there and let chemistry do the rest.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    Got about 100 feeder fish today... let them free. they all disappeared to the bottom... so I left, came back about 3 hours later. I know this sounds silly and hippy-like but oh well

    Those fish were so happy and had happy energy beaming from them. Ok yeah that sounds retarded... but it is true.

    There is large group that swims in school, around and around, all together... then you have a few loner fish that are just exploring and eating, then you have few groups of like 3-5 that hang out together, like they are talking about the old times... and they are probably making fun of the school fish.

    I sat by that pond watching them for so long...I am sure I got a sun burn.... they all just seem so happy.

    I know when I finally get divorced... and buy a house, I will have my Bro-in law bring his big hole digging tractor thingy, and I am making a huge pond...

    here are some pics.

    oh and when asked the arab for the measurements of the pond... he guessed... I realized today it is much bigger. But I am pretty sure the water is safe... since giant bullfrog tadpoles are in it... I took a pic of one of the small bullfrog tadpoles... they are creepy looking.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Trying to remember isn't that the shit that reacts violently to water? :cool:
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Since we are showing our ponds


    BIGMAMA New Member

    what kind of fence is that? Because of my big ass dogs, I am sure I will need to fence in the back yard (every house I like has no fence) I was thinking of the wooden privacy fence... but those always look like shit after few years and rot. Yours looks great... is it just painted or stained ... or is it the Vinyl... I have only seen white vinyl here... and that looks like it would get dirty and ugly quick.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ceder I just used an oil stain on it. Semi-transparent from Behr.

    Here is what it looked like a month ago.

    This year it all went to hell the heater blew a leak and was rusted to hell so I pulled it to the curve and had the trash crew pick it up (circa 1987). And let the pool go to shit lately.
  18. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Well, at least the Fence looks great, good job.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Thanks I used a 2" and 1" paint brush all the way around the inside. So I could get stain behind the 2x4s where you see the 1x2 slots. Plus make sure the coverage was 100%. 15 gallons on the inside. On the outside though where I have less worry about over spray I think I'll shoot it with an airless sprayer and then use a brush to even it out. have not got the outside yet. Looking at the information from Behr I think it will take less than half that to touch it up every five years or so. This is because the wood is not soaking it up like a sponge. Hopefully I'll make that fence last a good 25 to 30 yrs.
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'm glad the feeder fish got saved!!!! I want to save some. My parents have a big farm with a enormous pond. I should go dump a bunch of fish in it.

    I'm pissed at Home Depot and Behr. I painted my bathroom 3 years ago and liked the paint color a lot. After redoing the shower and the floor and vanity and toilet and all that junk, it definitely needed a touch up, so I go down there and get the exact same color, brand, finish and go home and start to touch up and the colors don't match! Now I'm stuck with paint that I can't take back or do anything with and I have to repaint the entire bathroom

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