I just daydreamed about the girl who made my coffee this AM. I just rubbed one out in the bathroom thinking about her
I'm watching the Golden Girls on the Hallmark channel. I should call my gay friend. I know he's watching it too.
I just got home from playing in a golf tournament and I think I may have drank too many beers, which of course is impossible, because there is no such thing as 'too many beers'. My girl cat is cleaning her paws and my boy cat is probably breaking something. I think I need to shit, but my belt may be too tight, so I will wait.
our lovable but retarded cat just got on the school bus with my son. She walks down with him every morning to the bus stop, but normally runs home when bus gets near... guess she is no longer afraid of it. She ran on and ran off 45 seconds later... by the time my fat ass ran there she was already off the bus. The bus driver yelled at me all mean. "Dont let this happen again" .... he just made my SHIT LIST.
be careful... every time I see guy with a handlebar mustache, a penis is plunging into his mouth. I guess they seek out the handlebar and jump right in- that is my theory ..........or maybe only fags have handlebar mustaches... I dont know, try not to yawn
I'm sleepy at work and Glass Tiger's, "Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone)" was playing and now it's Stevie Nicks "Gypsy". I'm singing along to stay awake.
I just squeezed my fat ass into some jeans I have not worn in long time... still a little snug, I think if I take a big dump they will fit great...like a 6 pound dump. anyway- next week they will fit. I hope Sams has those clementine orange things,,, if I eat those for a few days, shit my brains out, they will fit... but I will have burning buthole
I just ate Pizza Hut and feel like a bloated fatty. It was good though. I haven't ate it in years. I pigged out today on pizza and french fries and slurpie. I'll probably be sick as hell tomorrow.
my retarded cat was locked in the car from like 9pm-1pm. now my car smells like cat shit and pee. out of all the places to poop and pee... she picked a shopping bag with a new shirt in it. I am kinda not upset, I only bought it because it was 4$ ...but it did make my boobs look perky - oh well
My boobs hurt, I feel like to my stomach and kill-everyone mean. I hate being a woman sometimes. I have a feeling this is going to be a bad one.