I heard something about Demi Moore saving someone life on Twitter. I've looked it up, but I still doesn't understand it. It sounds like something you would do with your clitoris.
"I still doesn't understand it". Jesus Christ. Can we get an edit function already or is Jefe too busy twittering in a corner somewhere?
Its a way to follow someones life by reading small bits of text or "tweets". They are usually 140 words or less. Like if you have one going about yourself, you can post stuff like, "went to get groceries today, got hit by a car and was rear-ended. Not happy at all" If you are that interesting enough that people want to know about your life, then it would be good to be on twitter to have constant updates. Oh yeah and also, when the person writes an update, the suscribers to the tweet receive the update. Kinda dumb, I dont know why its so popular. Im surprised so many people dont know what that is here in the bay area, being the heart of the tech boom, I was in class today and my professor asked us if we knew what Twitter was and only about 3 out of 120 students raised their hands.
I hate text... someone will send "hey where are you?" umm why not just call me... I could understand texting if you in hostage situation, and could not talk... haha twitter twat
For fuck's sake - will you leave my Jew brother alone for one fucking moment already? It's bad enough that those most of those tightwad kike motherfuckers don't even acknowledge my existence, but seeing as how "forgiveness" is the name of the game - let them all have a chance at redemption. I defy them to. Savior out.
I hate texting too. I don't see the point. I know it's big with kids, but I have a couple of friends who love texting so much they had to get keyboard phones.... gay.
I think 'celebrities' feel that the sheeple in America are so concerned with their daily rituals they must twitter to keep their flock informed. "Took a big shit today, I need to drink more water, I splashed it on the back of the toilet bowl up high near the seat. Ashton wiped it for me" WHO GIVES A FUCK???? I think sites like this, myspace, and facebook are for people that are so self absorbed they have to have a presence on the internet so some dude can look a chick up he went ass to mouth with to all his buddies. I dont people I used to hang out with stalking me online. If I wanted to keep up with them, they would still be my friend (in real life). Fucking R-tards. C-Bizzle out.
I dont understand twitter... and I like myspace, so kiss my ass phatboy. I pretty much just use mine to store pics, and share pics with my friends. I do get people from high school asking to be my friend... I will add them then they piss me off and go off them. One chick just posted her dog's new puppies... I sent her all kinds of hate photos, mean messages, and shelter videos... and she deleted her account haha. I think she keeps prank calling me. Oh well - I love prank calls. I think we should have a twitter forum section... something like twitter. Right now I would post : my evil arab baby just head butted me and now nose is whistling.