My first (and last) handgun

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think I am going to go get her this weekend.

    It's a .22LR in case you are wondering, so it will be small and dainty.

    Nothing says fuck off like a pink gun.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Here's the description:

    The hottest pistol offering from SIG SAUER® is the SIG SAUER Mosquito®. This version in a pink finish! Offered for a limited time, features a polymer frame chambered in 22LR, the Mosquito is 90% the size of a P226® and the ideal choice for hours of shooting fun. The Mosquito features a pink wear-resistant polymer frame outfitted with an integrated accessory rail. The slide features adjustable sights, and along with the rugged blowback system, fixed barrel and superior ergonomic grip, the SIG SAUER Mosquito delivers traditional SIG SAUER accuracy. Additional safeties include an internal locking device and slide mounted ambidextrous safety.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    If you're absolutely, positively intent on that particular caliber, find some 60gr. Aguila Arms SSS rounds to keep in it at all times. The projectile is longer than a 22LR bullet, and they trim the size of the case down to keep it the same size. Muzzle velocity suffers (as any sub-sonic round would,) but you will make up for it by the size of that chunk of lead hitting the target.

    60 gr = almost 4 grams of projectile. Not too shabby for pushing down a barrel as narrow as such, and coupled by the low recoil, you should be able to pop off a few rounds in a semi with decent grouping, should a situation arise.

    Kinda like how a .45 ACP cartridge is slow and heavy, so potentially more effective with regard to stopping power at a shorter range than say, a typical 9mm.

    Again - and I can't stress this enough. Practice. .22LR ammo is dirt cheap, and about the only thing you can readily find on the shelves right now, except for uncommon hunting calibers, wildcats, and shot shells. Then again, I don't know what exactly you typically see where you live. I would anticipate more of a market for handgun ammo there.

    Check out the ammo section of any store that carries them. I'm curious as to what is readily available in your area.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    BTW, that lower rail might come in handy. Just shy away from cheap optics/laser pointers.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I don't want a pink gun. I like silver, gold, platinum: metallic coloured guns.
  6. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    Charter Arms makes a .38 special revolver called goldfinger, gold/black or gold/stainless. It weighs 12 US ounces which is ideal for carrying.

    A .22 cal will sting someone, but is not a good choice for self protection; Jim Brady took one in the head and ended up with a frontal lobotomy while Pres. Reagan got shot in the chest and lived because the bullet only rested against his heart. Had Hinkley used a bigger caliber things may have ended differently for both men.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    might "sting" . I think most people shit when they any type of gun... and run like a mofo. However the pink would ahve me thinking it is a toy.

    Hell you should see how fast the Arab and my nephews run when they see my paint gun... you would think I was holding an AK . They know I will pop some paint in dat ass. Between kids, X husband, and coyotes... I use about 15-30 balls a week.
  8. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    If you're shooting at someone chances are good that they have a weapon, probably a gun also, so you want to do as much damage as possible. Which brings us back to a bigger caliber and more damage. Unless you're trained to be in those situations, you're going to be nervous, your shot might not be as well plced and a .22 is not big enought to do anything other than sting them.

    And if you were my X, you'd have had that paintball gun up your ass the first time you shot it at me.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    what about those bird splatter bullets. My sister has a Hawk problem, they keep killing her chickens and pigeons. So shots them (might be illegal) oh well. She said she was using some sort of bullets for birds...kinda like spray bullet... I never heard of it. anyway, what would happen if you shot a human with that?
  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Pukey I would not buy this for personal safty. I can stop those 22 claibre rounds with a phone book.
  11. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    they are normally called rat shot if they are fired from a small caliber handgun or a form of birdhot when fired from a bigger bore handgun.

    Chances are you'd just piss them off and they'd make sure you died for it.
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I liked it because it was different. Maybe they make a .38 in that color?

    I would aim for the femoral artery anyway. Not their phonebook. :)
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    No, no, shoot them in the phonebook, then go 'Who ya gonna call?'

    (sorry, referring to Schmeds ghost busters theme).

    In reality you put 8 .22s in someone they are probably going to leave.

    Like the cops told me, just keep squeezing till all the bullets are out, just dont reload. Reloading means you are in control or something. I just say carry more guns.

    *I am not a fan of firearms*
  14. GAS

    GAS New Member

    You don't strike me as "pink" person Pukey.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think you have stereotyped me incorrectly.

    I tolerate pink. It's not my favorite color by any means, but I'm not opposed to it. My Zune is pink. I think a pink gun is funny. People would think it was a toy until they got shot. Besides, thugs wouldn't try to steal it.
  16. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    That would be assuming that the bad guy didn't have a .45 to double tap you with before you got your eight .22s into him. Two from a .45 is alot better than hoping to get 8 or 10 shots off.
  17. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Do you ever plan on needing to actually use it?

    Personally, I'd rather my target not see the gun before they feel the fruits of it's labor. Treat it like a fashion accessory, and you're only going to advertise it and give the other party extra time to draw their weapon that you might not even see (because they didn't choose the 24K gaudy Louis Vuitton billboard-logo pattern smeared down the length of the slide.)

    And I'm glad Nauseous is reconsidering the .22 caliber.

    Rossi (made by Brazilian manufacturer Taurus) offers a .38 SPL revolver that is in the blued (ladies: this means your metal is colored black) finish, and had pink rubber handgrips (yet small enough to employ as a carry piece. Might be a wise choice, as the ammo that gun chambers is quite common, and one of the very few calibers right now that isn't being gobbled as fast as most other calibers.
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Oh, and BTW... This should really go without saying.

    If you're planning on using a gun to shoot someone - make sure to pick something that will kill your target.

    Once you have shot at them - make sure they are dead before you stop firing.


    The last thing you want to worry about is that one person you gave a flesh wound to & remembers whom shot him when he/she recovers.

    Shoot to fucking kill. If you aren't comfortable with that mentality - don't even buy a fucking gun - it'll most likely get you killed, should you ever have to use it.
  19. GAS

    GAS New Member


    Who's stereotyping? You just always seemed like a girl that wasn't really into pink things, I stand corrected.

    And thugs WOULD steal it. And spray paint it.
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    My bad, I thought you thought I was some kind of goth douchebaggette.

    And you are partly right. I'm not into pink things, but people always buy me pink stuff, so I just accept it.

    I do think a pink gun is hilarious and ironically disarming.

    But you guys are right. I like the .22 because it doesn't intimidate me to handle and would be fun for practice, but I don't want to eff around when it comes to protection. I have a shotgun that could do some damage right now and I enjoy the pump action (of the shotgun).

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