Cell phone contract is running out with Sprint! Yay!!! Now who should I go to? I had thought of using NTelos, which serves WV and VA and then I find out that they are in cahoots with Sprint/Nextel. So I am thinking not. Nextel and Sprint have sucked ass. Just about anything is better at this point... even tin cans and some string. I'm thinking maybe Alltel, which is part of Verizon. They do that circle of friends thing, right?
Im with Verizon (through work) and completley happy with their service, they have a much larger footprint than any of the other mobile providers in the area (T-Mobile, Sprint). Their phone selectiong is nice too. Alltell is the oldest in this area, they have good plans and since they are on the verizon network, you should get good service out of them as well.
All I know is that if you live in DC (which you don't) you should have Verizon, its the only cell that works underground in the subway here.
I have T-Mobile ...but it does not have connection at my house (live in the sticks) . SO I also have a Metro PCS... that works at my house, unlimited everything for $45 a month. BUT it only works in GA I think... so I pretty much only use my T-Mobile when I am out of town ...Hell, I have not even charged it since Baltimore.
That's the problem with Sprint. It roams when my husband is at work. he can have service in one end of the building and not another. We had Nextel before that and they sucked. We were on the same plan and we each got charged a minute for talking to each other. How dumb is that? He says Alltel and he pays the bill, so I guess it's Alltel. :redface:
Verizon probably has a contract with DC to allow the use of repeaters in the subway, which keep a strong signal whether in a steel building or underground in a subway. The repeater is the reason you see so many people being able to use their phones (evidently AT&T doesn't use repeaters, I have AT&T) in malls and walmarts and such.
Yeah, my Brother works in D.C. for the IRS. Verizon has the Gov. contract and they have repeaters down there, that way they can get a hold of anyone at anytime. Unfortunately, my Brother isn't an important enough cog, so no work phone for him.
My aunt must be a decent cog, she has a gubment blackberry. She's not with the IRS, she works in some other auditing area. Gets to travel the country for free and then tell contractors 'no money for you'.
Sprint has the BEST open contract, $99.00 free and open EVERYTHING. i left Nextel and switched to Sprint, got the Free and everything plan. My bill is never over $120 a month now. I was going to do verision, there open plan is $159.00, and has a metered data plan. yes the calling is open for $99, but then you have to add unlimited text $15, pic mail $10, GPS #19.00, and so on. Next best pckage is, believe it or not,Virgin Mobile at $119.00 a month, but you have to buy the phone outright.
CDMA vs GSM... This "repeater" business is new to me... I thought it all had to do with the network itself (didn't know some frequencies were not using repeaters) - but I'd always preferred a phone where I could switch a simple SIM card (GSM network) to use a different phone (Cingular, AT&T, T-Mobile) rather than the competitors. For what it's worth, I currently have a Palm Treo 700 touchscreen smartphone, (100% working, but currently locked to Verizon CDMA,) a Sprint PocketPC PPC6700SP with a bad screen (should anyone need parts) - and possibly some other shit, if anyone has a need.
I hate anything touch screen. The pad on a microwave oven is annoying to me. I like buttons. I'm gonna get a Motorazr. I know they aren't "cool", but I like them and they have a pretty plum colored one that I want. My only real requirement for a cell phone is that it flips. I hate feeling like I am talking into the air.
Razr have a horrible battery life, my wife and I just got rid of them and got 2 samsung Gravity. We are with T-mobile
I value your opinion. If you say that they suck, I believe you. I just like the way they looked. I saw another phone that I liked too. It might have been an LG. Being female, I and go for the phones that I think look nice and have a pretty color.
Well, we got Alltel. Almost everyone I call has it anyway. I got a Blackberry Pearl flip. I really don't have any idea what a Blackberry is. I didn't pick it out and I have no idea what it looks like other than what I could see on the internet. I just wanted a phone that flipped. Hopefully it will be delivered tomorrow so I can check it out.