but not a funny subject... There is an Amber Alert in my area, they keep saying "Amber Alert" on the news and flashing across the TV on other channels. My son said, "If I was a girl, and my name was Amber, I would change my name" I did not get it, and said..."huh?" he said .. "All the time there is girls named Amber missing and kidnapped... Im just sayin I would change my name to Kim, or Christy or something other then Amber" It then hit me as funny and I laughed... and that made him mad, and he threw a shoe at me and started crying.... "ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!!! I KNOW A GIRL NAMED AMBER!!!!" guess I suck ... because it then became even funnier.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW I am in no way poking fun at missing children, that is every mother's worst nightmare.. I just found it funny that my kid thought all the missing children were named Amber.
That is funny. Not the missing kid, but him being 'ascared' of his friend getting missing cause her name is amber. Most 'ambers' I knew were easy, so that may be another reason for wanting to change your name.
That reminds me of how I got my name. My name was going to be Melissa (I would have went with Melissa, not Missy had it went down like that) but too many infants were dying with that name so my mom was afraid that I would die, so she named me Kelly. I get my paranoia honestly. So I got a name and have no cool song for it except for the one Woody wrote on Cheers. But when I hear the Allman Brother's Melissa, I always think to myself, "that could have been your song." People always end up calling me Heather and I don't know why. I have been called that quite a few times. Been told that I look like a Heather. Sorry for changing the subject... as you were.
so I asked my 12 yr old "what is an amber alert" and she said the same thing--SHE'S FUCKING 12! My 11 yr old knew. Stupid kids
To me, I think the funniest thing about this whole story is that that half-Arab actually threw half a pair of shoes at you. :biggrin: Am I the only one that caught that, or didn't anyone want to bring it up? :biggrin:
yeah get my childrens and baby daddies straight the half Arab is only ...um damn how old is... I think 11 months old now. wow, great mom.
only one dead beat daddy, one good daddy. use your acting skills, dress up like a Saudi prince, speak with an accent.. and you can tap dat asss.
those are Indians... and they sometimes smell like curry. I prefer Arab... but some Indians are cute.. when they have MD after their name.
I like attractive white men. Always have, always will. My main criteria has always been music. We have to like similar music or it's just not gonna work out. Because shitty music puts me in a really hateful mood.
I have never dated a guy that like my music... music is not a big deal to me, it was when I was young... but I kinda dropped that when I was like 18..when I realized the guys that like my music are either gay, losers, or geeks. hmmm I guess I am a geeks as well. DAMN
I can't stand to ride in someone's car and listen to shitty music. It makes me mad. It's like it physically hurts my ears to listen to it. If I were single and met a guy and he was super hot and listened to R&B or country, I would pass on him and go for the guy who might be less attractive and was listening to something I like. I can't stand it when I gay says, "Yeah, well I like all kinds of music. I like rock." And I'm like "What bands? " And then they say, "Oh. Limpbiscuit (sp?) Bon Jovi." I'd instantly be pissed and sickened. Music has always been a big deal to me. I was literally changing the needle on the record to repeat Blondie songs before I could talk.
"The man" is white, but I dated black guys for 3 years - wasted time. Spanish guys were OK but I didnt want to learn spanish so I could know what they were saying about me. Never dated asian - just not that attractive to me. plus white guys love this coot. He listens to Metallica, metal bands, I prefer rap TI, old 80's Bonnie Raitt, Madonna's virgin years, etc
not too bad, whats with the overtly happy , cheesy smiles? did you take some ecstasy before taking pictures?