My Valentines day

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I just have to share it with everyone.

    I made the mistake of telling my wife that "I would do whatever she wanted" for Valentines day. This was designed to get me off the hook until at least 6:00PM on my only day off.

    She chose to go to the new Wind Creek casino, which is about 50 mile away. We get there and it is packed. Open for about three weeks, it is chaos. She wins $150 at the slot machines. I take advantage of the free refreshments.

    Around 10:00 we still can't get into to resturant, so I slide into the restroom to relieve my bladder. There in the restroom is a bunch of security gurards, and they have a guy backed into a corner. He is obviously in distress, but disoriented and belligerent. Everytime one of the guards asks him a question, he mumbles something unitelligible and points to his throat. At this point the guards decide he must be choking, or Overdosing or something, so they try to "help" him. He goes nuts. Animal sounds, fights, pushes, points again to his throat and grabbing his crotch repeatedly.

    I guess I was the only one who had ever seen a tracheotomy scar. The guy had wrecked vocal cords, and was knee walking drunk. He simply needed to pee real bad, and they were interfering. I told the guards he had a vocal cord problem - let him pee, and then ask him what was going on. The guy looked at me like I was a mindreader, and put up two OK signs.

    Long story short - the guy ends up peeing all over himself. He has a bunch of friends that are videoing the whole thing, and think it's hilarious. The guy ends up puking on himself, and they all get booted.

    To top off the evening I didn't even get any Valentines attention once we got home. Oh well, what else is new.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The guy should have just pissed all over the guards. ;)
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That's kinda sad.

    I spent mine on the couch with my dogs. I was sick, eating pureed food and watching movies. I'm still sick and eating pureed food. I'm going to end up looking like an orange Karen Carpenter (carrot overkill).

    I did discover a really good flavor of Ensure. Butter pecan. It's delicious.
  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    As long as I have known you, you have been sick. You need to do something different to change your direction. I suggest the following:

    1. Borrow a rifle of some type, and go out in the woods and kill a deer. Take it home and gut it and clean it. Get blood everywhere. Smell the stench of intestines. The primal release is very therapeutic.

    Client is here -- More later
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I have Crohn's Disease and have had it for many years. I have stricturing of my small intestine, so I am prone to obstructions and I have to be careful about what I can eat.

    I am a vegetarian. That's terrible advice. I would never kill a deer on purpose unless it was trying to harm me.
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Took the wife to a movie and dinner, 'He's just not that into you' her choice so I gets kudos for effort.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    'He's just not that into you' movie for Valentines day man that's just wrong.
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    It's not terrible advice. Kill and eat.

    Vegetarianism is not a natural orientation for humans. We have eyes that point forward, like all other predators. Your problem is that you are genetically a predator, and you are living as a herbavor. Your body is very confused.

    Eat a dead chicken for starters. Work your way up to a animal that you actually killed yourself. I know what I am TALKING ABOUT.
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    As apposed to eating live chickens? I too agree that vegetarianism is not the mode of sustinance the good lord intended. If it had, he wouldnt have made steaks to tasty. I also believe in letting people do what they want (as long as it doesnt have any effect on my family and what we want to do).

    Im sure pukey takes tons of vitamins to make up for the ones she's not getting from meat. Plus she can get lots of protein in other ways.... :biggrin: she just has to remember she's doing it for her health.
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Human culture has evolved to eat meat. Our bodies were not and still aren't designed for it.

    No human kills anything himself. They do it with man made weapons. When you and beer guzzling, buffalo wing-loving friends can take down a gazelle in the middle of the night (using the "god" given nightvision that many wild animals possess) with your bare hands and eat it with the teeth that "god" gave you (nice round herbivore teeth) then we can talk.

    My body isn't confused. If "god" had given me the intestines of a carnivore, they would be a lot shorter and more able to digest meat before the fat content could be absorbed into my body. Bears, for instance, produce a lot of vitamin C which optimizes collagen production and ensures maximum stability of their artery walls. How many wild bears die of heart attacks?

    Do you like the smell of a rotting animal? Probably not, but if that was intended to be your dinner, you would relish the smell.

    True carnvivores have special enzymes that are able to kill bacteria. Humans have to cook it. Do you think a vulture worries about how long something has sat out in the heat?

    There really isn't anything that a well balanced vegetarian diet is lacking. You won't come up short in nutrients.

    I got Crohn's because I have a faulty immune system -or- by drinking cow milk (one theory) Two other people in my family with it ate meat.

    I have to pee, so I'm going to quit defending myself now. :cool:

    Oh, and I hate PETA, so don't class me with them.

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