You have pretty eyes. I have enough offspring running around, and both of them look nothing like me... guess I have week genes or something. My eyes are green, my 9 year old is blond hair, blue eyed...and the 11 month old A-rab baby...well he looks like a mexican, we call him Taco. He has Black eyes... brown hair. I am done with the whole baby makin crap, plus I am old now, and would be high risk. But if I did make another baby...I want it to be Indian, or Asian... or red headed. Have a mixed variety of children.
Ah your just jealous cause Big mama says I'm .....what were the words? Hawt? That's mid South for hot BTW.
Your a trip. I see what you want is a little red headed Lomo running around terrorizing the neighborhood.
I would shave my kid's head if it had red hair. I really hate red hair unless it's fake. Fake red doesn't bother me, but that orangey orphan Annie hair bugs the hell out of me.
What's up with his face? He's horrific. The only thing he has going for him is that he has straight white teeth. His face looks like a plastic surgery mess.
Yea, I read somewhere that they put so much base on his face to cover acne scars it is retarded. There is a girl I went to school with that was like that. It never matched her other skin tones and it was thick as hell. You would think there is some kind of treatment for that.
ok I have to give Carrot top this... the mofo is BUILT. I saw him live, a long time ago.. like when I was 17-18. Was in the front row, I never noticed bad skin, and I am a very observant person. He was not all built back then. I think he has gone overboard with the make up these days, but you have to consider, he is on a stage, and without makeup- with all those lights- your features dont show up. I would totally boink that cute little redheaded goofball.
Well I understand he does all the workouts and likely is on a hormone regimen. But its not just that at some point I think he got muscle implants on his shoulders. I did an image search and it looks a little more balanced now but for a while his shoulders looked way out of sync. Now its just slightly out of sync.
Here is a picture that shows how f-d up it looks.
aww, just what I need a man that will be using my black MAC powder to draw on his eyebrows. I am half way thinking about just getting mine tattooed on, then I could swim in public again. It sucks going to the beach and constantly checking your eyebrows. I would still do him. I wonder how tall he is?
maybe because of who he is... and I bet he is silly and goofy... I know if he worked at Walmart or was an accountant, I would not look at him at all.
He's weird looking definitely on the flip side I voted a 10 I think your hot I have a fear of red heads that stems back from Children of the Corn I think, I think they are evil it just bugs me their hair idk
wtf is wrong with being an accountant? Thats what Im going to be after college. Hell, Im aiming to be a CPA.
Nothing is wrong with it, I am just saying I like Carrot Top BECAUSE he is a comedian... and he is not cute enough to bang if he was an average joe. ya know what I mean.
I'd do Andy Dick before I did Carrot Top. I have always wanted twin somethings to name Isaac and Malachi. Carrot Top wears eyeliner and I am on the fence about men and eyeliner. Part of me thinks it's unfair that they try to infringe on my womanly rights, but at the same time, I think if a guy has nice eyes, he should be able to show them off too, but it just looks too girly for me and I don't like it.
you have to wear eyeliner when on stage, or photos, or on TV. If you want them to show up. but if I saw guy walking down the street in eyeliner...yuck... homo.. crossdresser. Even in my "goth/punk" days, I thought guys with makeup were gross. And that sucked because in the clubs, they all wore it. I would never date a goth guy anyway... to faggy.