I posted my pic to try it out, I didnt expect to get anything above a 5 rating, but I guess some people actually are attracted to me? Am I right in thinking that maybe a lotta people just clicked on more 6+ ratings for the **** of it? http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=KMK8GEHM&key=KNF
aw, thanks, I wish I could compliment you as well. Only ladies for me though, and If anyone will do any prodding its me and only me.
he does not look gay ... just young.. and I find that most young guys look gay these days. I HATE how young guys wear their hair... ugg when are those stupid haircuts going to go out of style? One of nephews has the most retarded looking hair do ever ... I threaten to come over and cut it in his sleep. I would rather see a kid with a mohawk then that stupid shaggy cut. Oh and dont get me started on the stupid faggy emo cuts... yuck... I hate kids
I put one on... so far I have 260 votes and I am a 9.2. so dont get real excited... those votes must be bullshit. http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=KMKEASRU&key=GUH
I gave you a 10. Then some chick eating pizza popped up. (I guess she was the next I was to vote on).
I actually checked out this site a while back, had around a 7 average I believe. There was a really hot girl on there that lived near me who sounded really awesome, go to message her, d'oh! You gotta pay to do that. Deleted my account.
woohoo now I am a 9.4 out of 520 votes... I dont get it. I think everyone has a high vote , because I see some skanks uglier then me with the same votes. So I think people just click 9-8-or 10 on everyone. That is no fun.
Nice complexion great eyes (same color as mine are yours sometimes more blue or gray looking then at times greenish blue?) I like the fair complexion and jet black hair combination. So don't be hard on yourself. To bad I'm married I've been talking to this chick lately that is really hot like a cross between Laura Dern (in the 80s) and Helen Hunt (as I remember from the tornado movie) I figured it out its the eyes. The kind that smile before any other facial expression.
Thanks... no my eyes are green green... people ask all the time if they are fake. Is laura Dern the chick from Blue Velvet? That is who she looks like to me. She is cute... but I really want to make over her hair. So why are you talking to bitches when you are married???
Joined a networking group. Its just a group of people from various professions to meet at Olive garden for lunch and drinks once a week and to network. The real and decent jobs are never posted online or elsewhere you simply have to know someone. And I don't know a lot of people in Dallas. I know it sounds corny but that is what it is. We work in sort of the same field so we keep in touch. In truth she is probably out of my league. 10 years younger, a few inches taller. But personality wise we fit like a glove and hit it off. She is from Canyon TX and has that West Texas accent more like mid-Southern than East Texas. Reminds me of Laura from the movie "Smooth Talk". As for the married part. I think I understand women more then the average guy. Women are way more intuitive then guys give them credit. At this girls level as well as with my wife you do not play them. You are simply straight with them up front. She is really comfortable with me because I'm not full of shit like the other guys she is used to talking to. Same as my wife. If I started putting on cologne, changed my attitude started carrying myself different then I did a week ago. She would pick up on it. She would start being real sensitive about increased libido (thinking about another) decreased libido (getting some on the side). Then she would start investigating ....everything, wallet, mileage on the car, phone bill, bank accounts. I don't choose to hang out with the dumb ones.
Look .... I hate calling you Big Momma. Wasn't it Icenhour or something like that before? You could do better. Anywho we should just combine our genetics and make some blue eyed babies.
Joe, did you get a new camera for your birthday or something? Thats an awful lot of pics in one thread....