Memememememe! Gawd, that's ghey... I refuse to get a facebook - never been there, never plan on it. Of course, I said that about Myspace, too. I'm about to excommunicate these sites like I did those damned instant mangler programs years ago. Couldn't jump online without fifteen fucking people you've never met all deciding they want to chat at that given time...
fuck fucking myspace and fucking facebook. Although I don't mind getting some face every once in a while. :biggrin:
It's a backup plan, so if this place goes down, I won't lose some of you. It's not like I just discovered it and think it's the coolest thing around.
I am embarassed of mine- but it is a easy way to share pics, update people, and I like looking for people I have not seen in a long time. hey Nauseous I sent you (on there) links to some Fugly people. so yeah it gay to have one- but they are handy.
Set one up years ago and maybe went there less then ten times sense. I did have an old friend call me after finding me didn't get my number from there though.
I have a myspace page. But I guess no one likes me enough to check in and say hi or anything, so I rarely check it.
Now that's fucked up Pukey. Although I'm sure my hansom looks transcend any gender boundaries. I had shot him a note some time ago from a high school web page. Coincidentally he did turn out thinking himself gay though which is weird.
I have no myspace, or facebook. I have a rather shady past and I dont want somebody peeping at pictures of me drunk and going 'Hey, I know that dude'..... Know what I mean?
You could just create one for us. That's what I did. Make it all private so no one can find you but us.