So I was bored and went on myspace looking to see if one of my exes had a myspace. Haven't seen him in like 10 years and was curious if he ever got married or had kids or whatever. So I find his profile and holy shit! One, he was sickenly skinny and looked gay as hell and two, he was sickenly skinny and looked like he had AIDS or cancer. His girlfriend wasn't pretty either but that is not surprising considering that he looked old and AIDsy. I didn't expect much, but goddamn. I haven't aged that badly. Now I want to go look for more people.
One of my school acquaintances, who was always highly popular, has put on about 20 kgs (44 lbs) in the last 3 years. What a train wreck.
It's easier if you're a gal - guy's last names don't change. *real men, that is... Not these pansy-ass pricks that don a hyphenated name... Yes, there are some out there...
I have looked up all my X es... only 2 guys were on there (the 2 biggest losers) ...and they are on my friends list. Its funny to sit and think - OMG what if I stuck with THAT- what I hate is people from High school that add you- um I have not seen or thought of you in like 14 years- why would I want to be friends with you...
You're gonna have to let me know which ones are your exes. I'll have to pm you his myspace if I can find it again. Although I'm kinda embarrassed. He really didn't look that bad when we were going out.
I found my highschool sweetheart, but not on myspace, He was on Okahloma DOC, looking like someone you would see on these meth posters, grill all jacked up, face all sunken in. Makes my stomach queasy thinking that once upon a time I swore I would be with him forever...
I am always looking on GA's DOC... I love it. on ours you can just look people up by age range, county, and race... that is how I found people I went to school with. you can also pick an offence - I looked up all the females that are in there for child molesting- shocked at how many. .. I also looked up dog fighting, insest, and rape... god I get stuck on that website.
I can spend hours on those sites. Oklahoma just recently put this dude to death, he was a sick twisted fucker. From pimping out his 2 wifes, to (this out to get your goat), he performed c-sections on dogs and they ended up with horrible infections, to murder. I say bring back medieval tortures on sick fucks like this..
I look at sites like that and the sex offenders list. I think that's how my sister found her last boyfriend.
Ever go to the crime library? There are some really crazy stories on that site. Some that would give you nightmares, And then there was this one about this little girl murderer who killed little boys. She's out now and she was a sadistic little bitch who should have never been released.
I havent ever checked that one out, but will now, thanks. And if im correct the girls name was Mary Bell, she was one twisted little fuck too..
I was under the impression it was "birds of a feather pluck together." thank you for setting me straight on that. :redface: