Can we ban the "bug chasers" and the "gift givers?" Please? Nobody should have to put up with this sort of shit...
DAMMMM YOOOOUUUU - I did not clink on any of the links on this thread,,, cause it looked boring... but the I saw that you posted a link... so I clicked it. you know I am a computertarded... you should have sent a PM warning me. I sat through the whole song thinking THAT was the punishment and it would be over ... but no- then I could not figure out how to stop it... so I hit the off button on my puter,,, and he kept going. SO I said fuck it and reached to pull the plug. - then I hit my head on the desk. I am mad. mad I tell you. the sad thing is Dewaine got me with that shit a few months ago. mad - triple mad so were the other links crap like that ??? Im glad I did not click them - you guys suck
Shit. Sorry about that. If you go down to the bar where your clock is displayed (it's called your taskbar) and you right click on your mouse in a blank area of that bar and select task manager, under the Applications tab, you can select the website that you want to get out of and click end task and it'll go away. That would have got you out of there right away, so if you ever get into something like that again, you'll know how to get out.
But with this one, it'll stull fuck up your browser and close everything. I hover over people's links around here to see what website it is and decide if I want to click or not.
I don't know much about computers. I just push buttons. I'm a "What does this button do?" kind of person. It stems from my facination with cash registers that I have had since I was a kid. I have two in my "collection". One is an old Burroughs and since I am part Burroughs, I thought it was cool. And the other one is a brand I can't remember but it starts with an "E" and it's not Epson. It's big and bright ass yellow and I would say from the 70's. I want a couple more. I want the bulky old Micros that they used in hotels back before they went computerized because I used to use one and I got partially electrocuted by one and I think they suck and I want the old register from the abandoned hotel I used to work at. I want to steal it. I still remember how to use it and that was over 10 years ago.
No. I'm thinking timeline. I started posting here when I lived in NC. I was working at a hotel there, actually I had a bunch of jobs when I was there because I couldn't manage to keep one. I was a mess down there. I call that my 'growing pains' phase. Then I moved back home and worked in a hotel for a year before I got the online support job. I'm thinking the first time we talked, I was living in my dinky little apartment and I was working at a hotel at first, but the majority of the time I spent living there I was working for the online place. So it's possible.