and I don't pay my medical bills. I missed two of my monthly payments on a bill and they without any warning sent me to a collection agency. Once my shit goes there, I will have nothing to do with it. No chance of paying, no chance of talking to the bill collectors. The bill is for 450 bucks. I know it's not much but is it enough for them to take me to court? I don't want to go through that crap. I just wonder what the magic amount is for them to take you to court? I've had other collections with them for the same hospital in the past. I'd say two bills totalling around 300, again, not much and I could have paid them, it's just I always put them off because they don't charge interest and I don't ever have anything to show for paying those bills, so I just always set them aside. I wonder if they will total them up and try to come after me? I would have paid the hospital, but I won't pay these assholes who buy debts for pennies on the dollar and harrass the hell out of people. I'm already paying on the 3k I owe the other hospital. It's not like I'm not paying out the ass already. I know. I'm a piece of shit, so no one needs to go there.
I hate the fact that the insurance company pays a lot, then they always have to have a couple hundred extra they want to charge. I bet the fees even change depending on what kind of coverage you have. I have really good insurance but Im always getting hit with 100.00 here or 100.00 there, for stuff they should pay, or tell the hospital to kiss off. Sorry, vent over. I know how you feel when it comes to the medical bills though....
I checked my credit report. I had two collections with that company in the past. One is 5 years old and says the account is closed. The other is 3 years old and says that the account is closed. One was for 130 and one was for 50. The 50 was totally not my fault and had I fought the charge initially with the DR office, it wouldn't have went that far. One dr office made an appt with another dr office and didnt mail me any info and the other dr office didnt call me to conf. the appt, so naturally I missed it and they charged me a no-show fee. I called them and told them that I didnt make the appt and no one called me and I wasnt going to pay them shit and they told me to contact my dr office. I was like whatever, so that's the story with that. The 130 debt was my bad. When I bought my house and moved, I didn't forward my mail and so I didnt actually get that bill, but sort of knew it was coming but didnt care and forgot about it. This last one was an ER visit. My copay is 500 on ER visits, so basically my insurance pays zero when you go to the ER. I had that bill and several others and then this 3k bill from what insurance didn't pay on it (ER visit, hospital stay) so I went on a payment plan for the 500 bucks. I made the first payment then forgot to make the next one. So I was going to pay them 100 bucks, but everytime I'd remember it, I couldn't find the acct number to pay online (I pay everything online). So it went two months and then I get a letter from their debt collector. Had they sent me some kind of warning that they were going to do it in like 5 days or whatever, I would have called the hospital directly and paid it over the phone. It pisses me off that they didn't send me some type of final notice or warning. It wouldn't have gotten that far. So I am sitting here right now looking at 4 other hospital bills that I have to pay not to mention the 3k I am paying on and worrying about being taken to court for this last one. Ahh.. whatever. I guess they can go ahead and take me. They can't bleed a turnip. I just spent 200 on my dog this week because she was sick and I was in bad pain last night but I will have to die instead of racking up some more hospital bills. Even with insurance, this shit is ridiculous and I can't get an itemized bill to save my life. I think I will dispute the debt and ask for an itemized statement. Not just a copy of the bill. I would like to know what made the bill that amount. All they did was give me some stomach meds and send me home effed up.
Oh yeah, w/o insurance, you pay way fucking more. Ever look at your statement and see the negotiated rate? Insurance companies get discounts, uninsured people get ass raped.
My ER visit fee is 100.00 up front. I cut my wrist on Christmas Eve a few years back, Im standing in the waiting room covered in blood, my wrist wrapped in gauze, dripping blood and the woman says 'we need the copay before we can admit him'. My wife went off. Then she proceeded to cuss the lady out, throw a 100.00 bill at her and cuss her out some more. It was classic. I was pale as a sheet from blood loss, It looked like I had gone out with OJs ex-wife. Maybe next time I'll just tell them I'm an illegal alien and get it all done for free.
I don't think what they did to you was legal. I'd have been fucked because I don't carry cash and sometimes I don't even have 100 bucks in my checking account. I be poor.
This living paycheck to paycheck shit sucks when you are a sick person. My husband makes decent money, but he's so far in debt that he doesn't get to enjoy it. That's what looks bad. What we have together on paper looks okay, but when you start taking away what we have to pay out, we become poor. Although we don't share our money (I suspect he's far better off than me. I can tell by his purchases). I have my own checking acct. Actually I have two and we share one and he has a couple of his own. We split living expenses down the middle and that's it. We buy our own groceries and we pay our own bills. He's wanted to put everything together, but I won't do it.
So goddamnit. I take it back. I am not low life scum or a piece of shit. I am your average American citizen.
ok let me tell you right now... I dont pay ANY medical bills. From all of Evan's surgeries WITH insurance... I owe somewhere around 750k ... they all go to collection agencies. For me- I swear I never even pay my ER co Pay 150$ I have a lot of those. None of it ever shows up on my credit... I dont know why- but it has not. Funny thing out of all my BIG bills.... I have where this infectious disease doc (from when I was bit by a cat and was in the hospital for a long time) he sent the bill to a collection- and then some lawyer... I get letters from some lawyers office for 92$ ... it means nothing. I have had people from ___ law office call me a million times for Evan's bills... I just hung up on them. yeah my insurance decided not to cover any of my medical bills from that cat bite. I was in the hospital for like 3 weeks... and on IV antibioticsfor over a month. I have no idea what THAT bill totals up to be. Insurance said since it happened at work- work should pay for it... I am half way thinking of taking the X to court- and also asking for pain and suffering. I have until May. I need to remind of that. so yeah I am scum- I dont pay my medical bills... fuck it, I do pay my cosmetic medical bills... wish I didnt.
I pay my credit card bills and I have never been late with my house payment. I would fuck off with every other bill that I had to, I will not miss a house payment. Even if that meant I sat in the dark. I'm a cheapskate. I don't buy much for myself. Every now and then I will pick up something cheap. Me being cheap causes fights in the house because I start to feel sorry for myself when I see him buy expensive shit for himself. Like putting in a new car stereo when I am struggling to pay on these stupid hospital bills. I never eat out of the house... he eats out all of the time. Which is why he is pushing 300 pounds and we fight about that too. And we fight about my lack of libido... Jesus, it's so damn wonder I am a spazzy wreck.
I dont understand the seperate finances thing. Unless mabye he was self employed and it was easier to manage taxes and all. Otherwise, its marriage, and if you're not in it 100% then you shouldnt be married. Please explain the benefit of seperate accounts.....
I pay my bills, as long as they are not medical. I have never had a late payment- EXCEPT 1... and that was Honda's fault. I called the payment in, and they credited someone elses account. It was my first payment to them, and it is still on my record- pisses me off. I need to call them again and bitch about that. if a fight gets nasty-and he bitches about not gettin any monkey love... you can always say- "well if your fat ass would loose some weight, I could find your dick, then I would fuck you" I dont spend much money on myself... more then some, less then some. Depends on the woman I am compared to. I know bitches that get bi weekly massages, buy 500$ shoes, and carry a purse that costs as much as a car, and call a make up artist/hair stylist - just to go out to a bar. I am a thrifty girl... Love the thrift store - but I do splurge on expensive make up ... But I apply it myself. oh and perfume... but I keep it hidden or my mom will snatch it up. Seems like things always get borrowed without permission when she comes over.
I was the same with both of my husbands... had seperate accounts. I think MOST marriages do- but the wife gets to dip into the husband husband's account if needed or wanted. Me and the Arab never shared an account... the honkey and I had a shared account... but we both had side personal accounts.
If I did that I'd be living like a king. If I just paid all the house/car bills Id be loaded. Maybe I need a thrifty chick.
that is how it was with all my mens. My first husband paid the bills and I bought groceries and crap. ( but I did put a chunk down on the house) Second husband pays the bills... but I buy all my junk with my money. so yeah I guess it is not bad that I splurge on some crap... since it is my money.
I believe that there should be a joint account... for the family. But I think it is stupid if a woman does not have her own account. I had one... and my X husband (honky) did not know it. When divorce time came- if I did not have my OWN account- I would have been shit out of luck- because he emptied the account with the exception on 300$ and opened another account. The same could happen to a man. So I think people are stupid if they dont have a personal account.