Drunk people with assault rifles... Good times: Don't know what prompted this face, but it was the last picture taken, by the time the other pictures are viewed, this pic might make sense... It's good that the barrel of my M4 covered his eyes - explanation to follow... Drunk, yes. Happily sporting, for sho. Getting rid of that damn 'date/time' shit on the camera - definitely. He feels like a real man in this picture. Nevermind that neither gun is his. Note: A non-gun person would typically pose for a photo-op with the correct eye closed while pretending to look through a scope - and hopefully, take advantage of the adjustable stock, and extend it to fit... Pay attention to the lack of a loaded clip in this photo, something that was not absent during the other pix...
Is he lefted handed or just left eye dominant? Either way he looks like a terrorist about to kill some innocent christians and jews. It's too bad we can't convince the muslim extremists in the world that they should be concentrating their efforts on stopping the yellow plague. That's right folks, the Chinese will be knocking on the doors of everyone around the world soon, much like a almond eyed santa, except taking not giving. If you can't believe me than watch episode 1208 of southpark, cartman has it all figured out.
your friend is cute... both of you are. But I dont think boys should get together and play with guns... unsupervised
Better than sheep without guns. I hear he's hard to sign... I've got a close friend aspiring to be a photographer, and looking to build her portfolio. Expect some great "shots" soon... :biggrin: HA! I didn't even notice that! :biggrin: You going to come over and 'supervise' us with our guns? Actually, in that one picture, we had both just spotted Celine Dion on TV...