Yep. "Caldonia" (formerly "Mama" - until a more suitable, personalized name presented itself,) came to my backyard to have a litter of kittens. She was quite ferrel, and even now, only lets me near her (and she's become increasingly tolerant of Tobie.) Probably had her for a little over a year now.
Of course... Shortly after I found homes for her two kittens - That ho was apparently pregnant again, too (*Although, how this can be verified is beyond me - I just think the Vet clinic tacked that onto my bill to milk another $20 out of me - how could you prove that, anyway, without actually being there for the operation?)
well if the kittens were over 6 weeks old- and she had access to some kitty dick- yeah- that tramp was knocked up. I always took pics of pregnant cats with my X holding the uterus up... so if the owner said ( I know she was not pregnant and I am not paying another 20-30$) I would pull out the digital them, and say "well if she was NOT pregnant - we are charging you for the twinkies she had stored away in her uterus" Trust me- the extra 20$ was worth it. a regular cat uterus is thin and an easy surgery (about 6- 10 min) a pregnant cat uterus requires slower handling, more expensive sutures and more time ...extra 5-15min depending how far along. If they are about to pop (50-60 days pregnant)...the uterus has lots of blood storage, so they give some SQ fluids, Iron, B12 after the surgery to help with the blood loss. they have reason to lie - I have never lied except to the crazy people that say DONT SPAY HER IF YOU THINK SHE IS PREGNANT... we spay them- and never mention it....or charge extra.
I have 2 dogs and 2 cats im too fucking dumb to post pics but i can manage you tube clips off em,the spaniel was called teddy(he died last year) and the other one is 'sherriff jon bunnel' we also have his sister now(zula) and in true hill billy style theyve bred and had 2 litters. Incest! the game the whole family can play.
Very cute dogs. I liked the videos. You need to fix them so they won't breed. I want those puppies though.
My german sheperd/border collie mutt I bought for my ex. She now lives at my Mom's house. She has more energy than I have ever seen in a dog in my entire fucking life!
TOMMY- you let those dogs breed???? you make me sick... you and your home decor - Fix your fucking pets, and rip up that carpet. yeah thats right... I used 3 mad smilies ...and here is another
I told you two stay out of my balloon tyme drawer! Those WEREKNOT condoms. I dont know what condoms are butt i know what they arent and those werent!!!
Is Tommeh's signature for real, or am I just superimposing that image over his real one when I read a post of his???
She moved back into her Dad's condo and they can't have pets over a certain weight. Surprised the hell out of me actually, she worshipped that dog.
It is real... I normally dont do what I am told on the internet... but that that statement is very tempting.
Maybe I'll post pics of my bitches. A Pom and a Chi. Both are fixed and both rescued. And the reason I have wimp dogs is because I have a really small yard and then its all fence, landscape, and pool for the most part. But to them it's fine I think it would be a bit cruel to keep a big dog pinned in like that. Plus they get the run of the house. I had am Akita that would get out of the fence every time a female was in heat in the neighborhood and fight other dogs. I paid some serious vet bills fixing other dogs back up before I eventually put him down. He was a rescue from a veterinarian turned alcoholic that could not keep him properly. BTW in case you know much about Akitas. his Grand dad was OBJ Big Son of Sachmo.
Oh I should add his body type stature and color was pretty much like Widowmaker except without the white socks just a small chest patch of white. Here you will find a pic of Bigson as well as WidowMaker.
When my 10/15-lb Terrier finally kicks the bucket, I might consider getting one of those... I heard they're great. Probably would want to move my outdoor cat inside by then, too.
They are natural guard dogs. At first I had mine on a runner. I put four landscape posts in the ground three feet each One stuck out of the ground a foot the other right at ground level. I used a cable with a turn buckle to attach the two posts. Then 75 feet down a hill did the same thing. So he had a runner that was low to the ground and he got maximum movement out of it. I came home one day and he was running around the neighborhood dragging the cable and posts he managed to yank out of the ground. So then I put up an electric fence. This worked most of the time but if he got out you could be sure there was a female in heat somewhere. The reason I put him down is he killed a Bicheon Poodle dog, Nearly killed a Malamute, and a St.Bernard Sheppard mix, and really pissed off this lady that lived two streets over jumping her fence and taking on her two Rottweilers a male and a female. She was threatening to sue. An interesting thing Akitas will do to other dogs you don't normally see is use their head to hit a dog under the rib cage and toss it. I watched Nike toss a 100 plus pound Rottweiler my friend owned named Sampson.