whatcha get for Xmas?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Dec 26, 2008.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    I got a GPS thing from sister- and she taught me how to use it. I LOVE IT

    however I set to take me home to try it out (4 miles) - and almost wrecked watching it. Those things are are cool. Now I want to go on a trip.
    One weird thing- I feel the voice lady is bitchy... and bossy

    oh and the Cragislist Star Wars crap I got for my son (from a lady pissed off at her husband) .... I decided to look some of it up... here is one on Ebay- now if I can just convince him not to open some of this crap. http://cgi.ebay.com/LEGO-Star-Wars-...3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66:2|65:3|39:1|240:1318

    He liked the buba fet ship the most...and already opened all the micro machine boxes... there are little tiny people, and ships all over the house. Best X mas ever for him. He can not walk in his room, for all the boxes.
  2. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

  3. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Auburn Sweatshirt
    Auburn Neon Light
    Auburn Mugs
    Auburn Calendar
    Book on Left-Handed People

    * I don't ask for the Auburn stuff but people figure they can't go wrong if they just buy me an Auburn something.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    Are you Left Handed? My 9 year old is, and his hand writing sucks. I was just wondering if you had trouble writing as a kid.
  5. moremetal4mepls

    moremetal4mepls New Member

    My 9 year old daughter is a lefty too, but her handwriting is nice.

    I got the best gift for christmas, my husband bought me a food dehydrator so I can make him beef jerky.:rolleyes:

    I've been hinting for a mothers ring for 8 years now, guess i'm gona have to buy that one myself.
  6. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Hmm... some clothes, some candles and body lotion, some makeup and other face stuff. Some jewlery (nothing fancy), and a pair of PJs that I love. I get more excited about PJs and candles than anything. I was proud of my parents though, they actually picked me out clothes that I liked, so I was happy about that. I also got a tea kettle and a cool alarm clock and some money and a few more little things that I am forgetting.

    Oh, yeah. My husband's daughter got me a sweater. It's the ugliest sweater I have ever received. I blame her mother. I can tell it was on the clearance rack from the sticker that was half peeled off. And it must have been picked from the over 80 short and fat section. I'm serious. I will have to post a picture because it certainly is hilarious. It's an Extra Large Petite. I am not petite or extra large. The bitch has seen me. She even commented on how tall and thin I was and she lets her get me that. So I think it's fucking sarcasm. She's short and fat, not me.

    The day wasn't so bad. Went all over the damn place visting relatives, but I sedated myself, so I didn't have a freak out attack. I also took a big dump that morning and my stomach was pretty nice to me, so I guess it was my intestines gift to me which I was very happy about. And Christmas evening, my uterus gave me a festive red gift as well, so that explains why I have been feeling like a mega bitch lately. So now I have cramps and back pain, but I don't mind too much.

    The weather is awesome outside today. Wish it was going to last.
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    BIGMAMA New Member

    Well that is how she got it... she bought it for herself a long time ago and realized it was so ugly and gifted it to you. I do same shit all the time. I buy something because it was marked down to $4 and say ... one day I will wear it. I keep it for 2 years then give it as a gift. Also with the cushing's weight thing - I buy stuff saying "I will be this skinny again- or that fat again"

    My dad gave me check with Rhonda_______ on it... said he cant remember any of my last names or spell them. I gave him a bottle of Crown, and a shirt he said was ugly.

    My mom gave me a guilt trip - like she does every year... I gave her 50$ walmart card, 50$ cash, dog food/cat food. Clinique gift bag

    gave my sister a sweater, some Dead sea stuff from Big Lots , and B&BW crap and 50 walmart card, 25 Cracker Barrel card, and Clinique gift bag

    gave my 2 nephews each 50$ and 4 tops (2 shirts from Banana replubic- 2 hoodies from American Eagle) and some boxers.

    Gave the grown nephew and niece prepaid gas cards.

    Gave my bro in law a George Forman grill

    my sister gave my son a bike, and the baby I riding thing.

    So I got the GPS, and a check I have already lost- I never cash them- have not in 5 years. ... oh and my nephew came and took a truck load of trash for me today- I missed the trash man, and had tons of Star wars trash and regular house trash.

    we had a huge meal, I brought the deviled eggs, green bean casserole, Publix cake, and pie.
  10. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    Sorry to rain on your parade Barry! No diaper bag that's for certain.

    Now go flog a molly.
  11. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    i got arrested go figure.
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Although it looks like something she would wear, (She's the kind of person that wears capris and tennis shoes) for some reason there was a receipt with it. The price was omitted and it said the refund would be issued in the form of a gift certificate. I'm half tempted to take it back and get the 4 dollars, but I don't want to dick with it. Anyway, here it is. I think that orb thing must be the ugly ball of energy it exudes.

    Attached Files:

  13. homer

    homer Member

    Pukey,you could always rent yourself out as a stop sign with that on.
  14. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    "I want a hippopotamus for christmas", "only a hippopotamus will do"

    BIGMAMA New Member

    awww glad to see someone still wants me

    Hey Nauseous... got my red gift last night - we are period pals.
  16. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    i had a nose bleed last night,does that mean i can join?
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    How did you get the nosebleed?

    I am proud of myself for having one that didn't have to be induced by Provera.
  18. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It's way too big and the arms are way too short and it's ugly. Right? I'm not crazy. It doesn't look like something a 31 year-old woman would wear. But I am the biggest dick ever for thinking it's tacky because my husband's kid picked it out. Had it been someone in my family, he would have laughed his ass off, but since it was his kid, it's the cutest thing ever. And that pisses me off so he's back to not talking to me for another few days, but whatever. He can wear the fucking thing as a bandana or something or cut a hole in it and fuck it for all I care.
  19. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    i think years off putting half off columbia up my nose might have something to do with it.
  20. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    That shirt is god awful and if he really cared about you he would burn it for you. WHen I was 6 I pciked out some earrings to give my mom for xmas, they were pac-man earrings, they had the ghosts hanging below pac-man (as if he were about to eat them maybe?). She never wore those, and you shouldnt have to wear that awful, awful shirt.

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