Dead Sea Kiosks

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Dec 24, 2008.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    I think this is happening everywhere - in every state at the mall. Dead Sea beauty products - kiosks at the mall. You walk by and they grab you, or do anything to get you to come to the kiosk. They sell sea salt scrubs and other crap. They are more annoying and harassing than any crack head I have seen beg for money.

    I hope these guys disappear after the holidays. I hate to be grabbed by a stranger and harassed every time I walk by them. I was talking to friends about it, and it turns out we were ALL hit on by the salespeople (men to women & women to men). They tell you "this is 80$", then drop to 60, then all the way down to $25. So I did a little research to see if it is a scam and what the deal was.

    You can google and find out more, and see the videos on youtube (dead sea sex), how they get these sexy young Israelis here. The truth is, they live in crowded apartments, earn a commission, and have a chance to trick an American to marry them and become American citizens. They are here on work or travel visas....and all of them are sexy as hell and in their early 20s.

    So guys - and girls... try not to get so flattered when you are hit on by them. If my balding, bad dressing, overweight 60 year old father gets a phone number... as well as my female friend who is 150+ lbs overweight,36, and has a date tonight with a hot 22 year old long haired sexy guy. Chances are they trying to grab anything right now.

    I did not believe my dad, until he sent me pic on my cell of the paper with the girls name/number on it. I called it, and a young woman answered with an accent. grossssssssssssssssssss he said he was not going to call... but then made a comment on how hot she was. I told him it was ok to bang her a few times, but I would destroy everyone of his classic mint automobiles if he married her. He said "shit I will never marry ANY woman" I hope he is telling the truth- because if I end up with a hot 20 year old Israeli step mom...the shity sea salt will hit the fan

    Also I found out the products come from Texas- USA not the dead sea. My sister bought some of the dead sea salt scrub for 40$ last year. Brought it home and it is the same thing as her other scrubs from Walmart for around $7.

    I kind of feel sorry for these sales people. But then again, I hate them. They are so annoying and driving me crazy. Anyone else have these in their local mall?
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Are they the ones that want to grab your hand and look at your nails? I remember walking through and some woman doing that to the guy in front of me and he was like, "No thanks." and walked away. I'm thinking she had an accent but don't remember her look. I just made a note that on my way back to take the other side of the mall and avoid her. I walk fast and look mean in public, so people don't usually bother me and if they do I totally ignore them.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    yeah thats them... what is funny. I just got back from Big Lots - needed to buy gift bags and bows (50% off today) . They had Dead Sea stuff- lotion, mud, salt scrub- packaging looks different then the expensive stuff the hot Israelis sell. And get this- it says MADE IN TEL AVIV - ISRAEL and it was 3$ per jar. The mall kiosk sells stuff that says MADE IN USA. So I stocked up, and hopefully people will think they are getting the expensive mall crap for Xmas.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I may have gotten some of that crap for X-mas one year when my parents were in Chicago. Mine says "Seacret from the DEAD SEA" and is made in Isreal. I got some nail stuff and some lotion. The lotion is pretty good, actually. I don't like the smell of it, but it was pretty good.
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yeah, BigLots sells some weird stuff. I have bought ABBA and Rusk hair products from there for super cheap.

    I buy Rusk from CVS. I assume it's the same crap although they say not to buy it unless it's from a salon. I don't know why. My hair hasn't fallen out from it.
  6. Acne

    Acne New Member

    I have seen this too. They do not work for my acne. I hired these people to work for me and they are not good workers if they want to make any money at this they need to sell their products and not their butts because this is ridiculous and this is America the home and the land of the fray in the brave and a pledge allegiance and read a bid for a pray and these people, more year and tried to be like this and I just can even get it or even understand your comprehend this is a travesty a travesty Italia
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    So... You're saying that there's hot young ass available at the mall, and all you have to do is promise them a ring?!?

    Shit! Where's a box of Cracker Jacks when you need one?!?!?!?
  8. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member

    ATTA BOY LOMO get some of that ass from the middle east
  9. saltsbath

    saltsbath New Member

    Technically a lake, the Dead Sea is located between Israel and Jordan, about 15 miles east of Jerusalem. The Dead Sea is the 2nd saltiest body of water in the world, and sits at the lowest point of elevation on earth. It was formed 2 million years ago and miraculously retains the purity of its ancient waters, even today. The climate here is warm, sunny and dry year-round, and is blessed with extraordinarily low pollution.

    For thousands of years, the Dead Sea has been a center for health and well-being. The waters of the Dead Sea contain a high volume of minerals that benefit human health. These minerals include potassium, sulfur, calcium, bromine, collagen, and many more. For centuries, people have flocked to the Dead Sea to enjoy the benefits of soaking in its mineral-rich, salt filled waters. Cleopatra recognized the cosmetic benefits of the Dead Sea and had retreats and factories built along its shores. The Egyptians used elements present in the area for embalming and mummification processes. The Dead Sea also plays an important role in the history and prophecies of the Bible , and is present in many ancient writings.

    The salt from the Dead Sea is no ordinary salt. Unlike table salt, Dead Sea salt has many therapeutic properties and contains high levels of natural minerals that our bodies need to thrive. These minerals cleanse, heal, and help our cells flush out unwanted toxins. Dead Sea salt can be enjoyed in several forms in the comfort of your own home: as bath salt and in the form of mud masks. Our Minera Dead Sea salts are harvested from the southern end of the Dead Sea, which holds the highest mineral content.
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    12,000 people visit the Dead Sea every year just to pee in it.

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