Has shitty customer service. It seems that when I need someone to check me out when I buy something small like a game, no one wants to help me, but when I am looking at televisions or computers, they are up my ass. They say they don't work on commission, but I kinda wonder... I can just see this convo between two high school boys: "Yeah, dude. I got a job where I don't have to do shit all day but stand around and get paid for it." "Really dude? Where?" "Circuit City, man!" *high fives* I stood at the register for 10-15 minutes while the little bastards in red shirts just walked around and looked at me. Apparently running the register is akin to working your way from "fry cook" and you have to be specially trained to scan a game and punch a few buttons. Needless to say, I left w/o buying the game.
That's how I feel about Best Buy. All the Blue Shirts want to help me find a CD... "Yes, I am, in fact, having trouble with your complex filing system. What is it....alphabetical?" But when I want to check out, everyone is bottle-necked at one register. A few times, I've just put down my item and walked away.
They dont work on commision, they get whats called a 'spiff' may vary from store to store but its a 'bonus' of sorts. When I worked at CUSA they gave them to sales people that got you to buy extended warranties (like 75.00) just for getting joe schmoe to buy the extended warranty. Then us techs got them for 'save the sale' where if someone bought a PC and wanted to return it for any reason we could get them to keep it. This one lady (chick) bought a PC for her BF, I being the onsite tech, delivered it and set it up for her (wheeee) then she wanted me to show her how to work it (not like us getting it on, but the PC). I sat there for a little while, and showed her a couple of things, then said, "Ive got other calls to take care of I need to go" So she calls and says she's bringing it back because it doesnt work, so they send me back over there (this was like 2 days later) and it wouldnt work meant she didnt know how to load a stupid card game on it. So I sat there for an hour showing her how to do stuff and they gave me a 100.00 on my next check for saving the sale. I really hate when you go somewhere (like CC) and you see the people looking at you (kinda out of the corner of their eye) and they act like they dont. Because they dont want to help. Learn how to operate their little PA system. That always gets their attention. I use to say really obnoxious things on them, but now I will grab it and just go, "Can I get a sales clerk to register one please" Usually the manager comes over, good times for sure. I took one at BK one day and started 'Rapping' on it. The guys in the back were cracking up, the manager wasnt laughing, but hey, I was hungry and tired of waiting....
It's these fucking teenagers. They are too young to be this jaded and apathetic. It seems when I go somewhere and an older person is working, I get much better service.
The CC over here they have this mongaloid looking dude at the door who watches you in line(only one open) then insists on checking everything you got with the recipt. I hate CC too.
They are going to be gone soon, I think. They are being sold and I think Blockbuster is buying them. Two sinking ships... just like K-mart and Sears merging together.
It's not nearly as bad as shopping at Home Depot. I swear, they must pass out radar systems to their employees. Whenever you're just browsing around, you see those shitty orange aprons everywhere. As soon as you need to ask a question, it's like a 'blip' on the radar goes off, and they scatter like roaches when you hit the lights.