This morbidly obese woman tried to fit into our doorway and failed miserably, when she eventually got through she demanded that she be let in for free. I kept thinking to myself "Well wouldn't we have to let two people in free then" but just kept saying that it wasn't allowed. She eventually left in a fit saying this was the worst theater ever. She kind of had that fat person walk where they lean from side to side to get their legs up. Also, huge side burns.
WHY IN THE HELL DIDN'T YOU LET ME IN FREE ??? you should have let her in free... she would have spent a lot of money at the concession stand.
She would have also taken up more than one seat, would have to go airline on her and charge her for the additional seat, it was literally the woman that was astonishing that she could move.
And you know, you'd have to throw the armrest between the seats away afterward... If she didn't take it with her when she got up, that is.
Admit it. You wanted to try to hit it. Dwaine's mom (aka Dwaine with a wig on) has wet you apetitie for the big girls.
You're probably added to his 'block' list, the same as I was, long ago. It seems that there exists a codicil within the Fugly Forums that allows mediocre, pathetic, shadows of human beings the ability to selectively filter from their shallow, sheltered, saddened lives, the humiliating exposure of their inability to both respond to, or reason with, criticism directly associated with their postings. Danny's activities lately lead me to think that he's built a box around himself, and does not let the forums subject him to the obvious ridicule elicited from those whom have called him out. Think of Linus, from the "Peanuts" comic strip - always sucking his thumb, and always needing his security blanket. I don't expect a response to this thread soon, either... Unless, of course, he discovers a week or two down the line that he's actually been having sex with his blow-up doll's navel again.
The walk where they walk on the sides of their shoes? Side burns... she must have been growing her winter beard out.
Oh my god am I supposed to respond to that 6th grader remark? Guys I need help here, he's just too good.
Keep practicing - eventually he'll pretend he knows how to add you to his 'block list' and you'll never have to worry about him fouling up a thread or post of yours ever again.